Hilary Rosen: Role Model for Women Everywhere
April 12, 2012

DIANA writes:
Hilary Rosen, the Democratic strategist in the news for insulting Ann Romney and non-employed mothers, is a lesbian. The Catholic League pointed this out and Forbes magazine has slammed them for it. Here is a Washington Post profile of her. She has two adopted children and is separated from her girlfriend. What a great mom.
She dislikes men, but even more than men, she dislikes women like Ann Romney, who think that being a wife and mother is more important than a paycheck. She is a perfect example of the kind of professional homosexual who now runs our society, no exaggeration. Even so her “career” sets a record in terms of being a slimy operator, an opportunist, and a creator of nothing valuable or worthwhile. This is what runs our country. If I had a talk with a young person I would warn them that if they want to go to NYC, LA, San Francisco — actually, any major city — the ad agencies, PR firms, social media, entertainment are full of people like her.
— Comments —
James P. writes:
Rosen is said to regret adopting. She could give them to someone else, like Joyce Maynard did!
From here:
brucepmajors, Realtor, bon vivante, romantic, cat owner
Birch, not Branch. I believe they have joint custody and were always both adoptive mothers, which I think DC allows. I’ve met those kids, nice little fraternal twins from Latin America, a boy and girl. This is mean to repeat since it is only hearsay, but among Democratic party lesbian activists and bundles and political appointees, who I socialized with a lt from 1997 to 2004 and even later, word was Birch and Rosen wish they had to adopted kids, or at least not twins. Because kids are too much work! (I’ve been to events at the house they used to own together in Chevy Chase, Maryland, Grubb Street, near Silver Spring.)
Laura writes:
That, of course, is only hearsay.
Here is a picture of Rosen and her former girlfriend, Elizabeth Birch, with the children, Jacob and Anna. Whatever adoption agency allowed this should be closed, the operators sent to jail.
The Catholic League refuses to apologize for publicizing Rosen’s lesbianism.
John Purdy writes:
Two things. First, the comment from brucepmajors reads:
Rosen wish they had to adopted kids. I presume that should read “had NOT adopted”? [Laura writes: That’s a safe assumption.But that’s how it was written.]
Second, these women come off as borderline psychopaths. It has long been my anecdotal experience that lesbians, unlike many homosexual men, almost always seem to have a screw loose somewhere. I wonder if the amazing Mr. Powell has any statistical evidence regarding lesbianism and personality disorders?
How terrible for a child to have it stated publicly that your mother wishes she hadn’t adopted you because you were “too much work.”
Laura writes:
Women have been saying cruel things like that for years. What does it mean when you lament the fact that you are a homemaker but that you dislike being with your children?