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Brutal Murder Brings Tears and Blue Ribbons « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Brutal Murder Brings Tears and Blue Ribbons

August 26, 2012


THE cold-blooded murder of Megan Boken, a 23-year-old graduate of the University of St. Louis who was gunned down in broad daylight last Saturday afternoon by an 18-year-old during an alleged robbery, is a stark example of how Americans react to a death of this kind. Family and friends have wept and prayed on Facebook. They have spoken of her many wonderful qualities. They have circled trees outside Megan’s former high school with blue ribbons. They have anxiously awaited the arrest of her assailants and expressed profuse gratitude to the police when two black men were charged.

But they have voiced no outrage. Megan could have been killed by a bolt of lightening, so anodyne is the reaction to her death. The blue ribbons signify nothing more than sadness. They do not make any demands. They are not a call for collective action on behalf of the many Megan Bokens who have been killed by merciless black gunmen in the last 50 years or the many more who are yet to be murdered. The ribbons are pure sentiment.

Megan Boken is one more sacrificial victim on the altar of white remorse and self-hatred.

A commenter at VFR, Robert B., writes:

Average whites instinctively know that they are not being protected by the authorities. The political class says nothing and the media whitewashes over it. But hardly anyone does not know someone that has not been preyed upon by the black “undertow.” Thus, over the past 45 years and now several generations of exposure, they have come to see themselves as helpless.

—— Comments —–

Terry Morris writes:

The senseless, savage, execution-style murder of someone as beautiful and promising, popular and athletic, and who, by all accounts, was a wonderful all-around person, naturally elicits a great deal of emotion in those who knew and loved her. That energy must be let loose in some form or another, and probably the reason it is unleashed so profusely in the form of which you speak is due to (1) Robert B.’s principle, and (2), that it cannot possibly be contained. So they instinctively channel that emotional energy into what they might describe as “something good and useful.”

Laura writes:

The outpouring of sadness is good, of course, but it should be accompanied by just and righteous anger.

Forta Leza writes:

The situation reminds me of that of an abused child who is not allowed to verbalize even the slightest objection to the abuse he is suffering.

 Laura writes:

That’s a brilliant analogy.

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