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A Doctor Takes a Stand « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Doctor Takes a Stand

March 12, 2015

ANĀ Indian pediatrician in Michigan had the courage to refuse to provide routine care for a newborn with a lesbian mother. Now the doctor is being threatened with legal action.

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  • Buck writes:

    The freak show gets curiouser and curiouser. I use “freak” (a person with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour) under advisement. As time passes, there appears to be (from my widening perspective) an increasingly bizarre, growing plethera of catagories (growing unwieldy) and arrangements based on imagined “genders” (58 and counting says Facebook) and sorted sexual perversions among the psycho/sexually conflicted populations, and at the same time an almost “traditional” or “normalized” subset who seem to want to adhere to natural norms that they probably grew up with and that they find comfortable. Maybe this has long been true, this bizarre perversion of perversion.

    This particular couple, the Contreras “family,” judging from what this article says, seems relatively mainstream, in an upside-down modern liberal sort of way.

    Krista Contreras has taken the name of her more masculine “spouse,” Jami Contreras, as her “married” name. That is a “traditional” motif that still seems to be “clinging.”

    Jami, the masculine/mother-minor “spouse,” is quoted as saying: “As far as we know, Bay [the infant daughter of one of them] doesn’t have a sexual orientation yet…”

    That nurture over nature declaration goes against fifty years of gaydom dogma. This particular pair (unless it has long been thus; a tradcon/liberal split within the homosexual “community”) seems to be establishing yet another new and peculiar niche in the dynamic and rapidly changing and expanding psycho-sexual plurality: the “traditionalist” lesbian family.

    Or, could these two lesbians simply be stupid?

  • Buck writes:

    Why would anyone want, as their newborn’s doctor, someone who honestly admits to profound misgivings about her ability to give her absolute best care; to “develop her normal personal patient-doctor relationship”, and then reject, for no apparent reason, the doctor that appears to have well met their needs?

    It seems to me that Doctors Roi and Karam need to be protected by special legislation “from discrimination” by patients and potential patients, based on secret and revealed attitudes, philosophies, religious beliefs, and ancestry; or on account of anything that anyone could ever conjure up as a real or imagined difference. Really. There ought to be a law.

    Then again, as Mr. Bixby points out, the good doctors are members of society who have a special obligation to the “infirm”. Is Mr. Bixby (he seems to have a real attitude) implying that the two moms are “infirm”, or the yet fully nurtured/oriented baby Bay?