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Totalitarianism on Campus, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Totalitarianism on Campus, cont.

June 16, 2015

IN THIS interview, Megyn Kelly of Fox News is admirably indignant over the alleged denial of due process to an Amherst student expelled after what was an apparently false accusation of rape. [Warning: Vulgar language.]

The feminist belief in female infallibility and the chaos caused by sexual liberation have led to tyranny on campus. It’s a soft tyranny. No one is thrown in prison camp. Instead, lives are derailed. The accused are humiliated.

— Comments —

Paul writes:

A soft tyranny always hardens over time.

Linda N. writes:

Does she really spell her name Megyn? If so, her indignation might have something to do with the gyno- spelling of her given name. Hysterical.

Laura writes:

Spelling a name in a novel way shows that you are different — and new!

Lawrence Auster wrote about Kelly in an entry about “junk conservatism:”

Fox news analyst Megyn Kelly, whose trademark is to combine impressive smarts with ridiculously plunging necklines, has taken her Fox-style perversion of political discourse a few steps further with a salacious photo spread of herself in GQ.

(By the way, is it still called Gentlemen’s Quarterly, or, like British Petroleum, has it officially replaced its name with its initials?)

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