Antipope Blesses Guv’s Girlfriend
September 25, 2015

“Pope” Francis greets New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Sandra Lee as he leaves St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015. (Chad Rachman/New York Post, Pool)
A supposed “pope” gives a “blessing” to a woman who is living in sin with the divorced, pro-abortion, pro-perversity Governor of the State of New York, Andrew Mark Cuomo, while praising Figlio di Sfachim’s father, the pro-abortion, pro-perversity Governor Mario Matthew Cuomo (see It Is Still A Terrible Thing to Fall into the Hands of the Living God).
Support the killing of babies as a “legal right” of women to “choose”?
No problem with Jorge as long as you are for “social justice” and oppose the death penalty, both in theory and in practice.
Gee, I guess I really wasted my time back in 1986 when I thought I was doing my duty as a Catholic to speak against Cuomo the Elder when I ran for lieutenant governor on the New York State Right to Life Party ticket with the longtime District Attorney of Nassau County, New York, the late Denis E. Dillon.
Everything goes in Jorge’s false church, including all concept of authentic justice for the innocent preborn.
Bergoglio made a “quiet” show of support for the Little Sisters of the Poor in Washington, District of Columbia yesterday, but he has no qualms about publicly calling Mario Cuomo a “great man.” What a fake, phony, fraud.
I really do not know which is worse, Jorge Mario Bergoglio praising Mario Cuomo or the obnoxious pro-abortion, pro-perversity camera-hogging Senator Charles H. “Chuck” Schumer, the future Senate Minority (or Majority) Leader (and you think Harry Reid is bad!) saying that Bergoglio’s Congressional address was the “best we’ve ever heard!” … [cont.]