False Vatican Esteems Satanic Bowie
January 14, 2016

“Rock has always been the Devil’s music, you can’t convince me that it isn’t. … I feel that we’re only heralding something even darker than ourselves.”
— David Bowie in Rolling Stone, February 12, 1976
MARGARET GALITZIN at Tradition in Action writes of the death of David Bowie and praise for him coming from the Occupied Vatican:
When rock star David Bowie, considered the most influential of rockers, died of cancer on January 10, 2016, I expected his world to applaud him. Hollywood stars and the rock world – soft rock, punk rock, heavy metal – did exactly so. Tributes from Madonna, Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, Kendrick Lamar and other rock singers poured in.
Then, more unexpected eulogies came from prominent figures of the political and scientific world, e.g., David Cameron, Tony Blair and astronaut Tim Peake. It seems the 21st century is as eager to acclaim this blatantly Satanist, androgynous creature as the 13th century great personalities honored St. Bernard at his death.
This applause is what comes from a world that has long burned incense at the altar of rock’s rebellion and revolt. After all, Bowie was first in many things in the Rock Revolution: the first to openly declare his homosexuality and convert audiences into accepting the bi-sexual androgynous creature of the future; the first to make video-songs; the first to continuously reinvent himself with a multitude of personas like Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke.
“Take risks and be subversive, that’s what I learned from David Bowie,” said one fan. Bowie was subversive, he spewed everywhere his hatred for convention and the “establishment.” He was especially virulent against the Catholic Church.
His final album, Blackstar – a reference to Satan in occult circles – was also issued two days before his death. Although he died, his super-fans are already denying this reality, claiming he did not died, but migrated to an extra-terrestrial place.
Blackstar was, if possible, even more blasphemous and openly occult. Bowie returned to his astronaut / outer space theme, announcing a new age of Satan. The supposed gnostic truth that has been hidden from man is returning. This was more than just a “creative” video: it was a message replete with ritualistic Satanic rites and symbolic dances, magic and adoration of Satan.