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Hiroshima « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


May 27, 2016



Toilet Man in Hiroshima

OBAMA laid a wreath at the Hiroshima Memorial today and called for a “moral revolution” to meet the challenges of a world with nuclear weaponry. It’s a neat trick for a man who has ordered pedophiles into the girls’ room to call for a moral revolution. But what’s a moral revolution without an apology for a massacre? Obama refused to apologize for the devastating atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed roughly 200,000 people, mostly civilians.

America should apologize and repent publicly of the attack. To do so is not to dishonor those Americans who served and gave their lives in World War II. To the contrary, it is to honor them.

“Because our American egos and “Christian” morals cannot cope with the reality of an American-caused genocide, we fall easy and willing victims to rationalizations for Hiroshima & Nagasaki (and Tokyo and Hamburg and Dresden etc),” Mike King writes.

He continues:

1: There was no “need” to invade Japan because the war was unjust and could have been stopped by FDR or Truman (who replaced FDR after his death) at any time.

2: In boxing parlance, bombed-out Japan, with its navy sunk and industrial capacity devastated, was already “on the ropes” and attempting to negotiate peace terms through the USSR (which it was not at war with).

3: The mass-extermination of civilian non-combatants is dishonorable and disgraceful. When Japan carried out the bombing of Peal Harbor, its air force only targeted ships, not the inland civilian neighborhoods.

4: Unbeknownst to Japan, Stalin, Churchill and FDR (at Yalta Conference / January, 1945) had already agreed that the USSR would break the Soviet-Japan Non-Aggression Pact of 1941 and declare war against Japan no later than 90 days after the end of war in Europe (which turned out to be May 8th, 1945) — a promise which Stalin gladly kept with his August 8th entrance into the war (that’s how North Korea became communist). Soviet entry would have compelled a badly-weakened Japan to surrender unconditionally anyway.

A previous discussion of Hiroshima at this site, in which several commenters vehemently (and eloquently) defended the bombing, can be found here.

— Comments —

Pan Dora writes:

Darn it, I just hate it when President Obama does something right. He doesn’t owe the Japanese an apology for Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Neither does the United States.

“Soviet entry would have compelled a badly-weakened Japan to surrender unconditionally anyway.”

They might have, they might not have. Pure speculation.

Laura writes:

It is pure speculation that only a catastrophe invasion of Japan would have ended the war.

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