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Honoring Thugs « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Honoring Thugs

August 19, 2016


A sketch of the planned museum and memorial in Alabama

ON March 15, 1900, in Hazelhurst, Ga., Bryan and Numun Goolsby agreed to cut cotton for farmer Dan Mims. But shortly after they were hired, they hit Mr. Mims over the head with their axe handles, stabbed him in the eye and cut his throat. When his wife heard a commotion and came out of the farmhouse with their baby in her arms, the Goolsby brothers knocked her to the ground. The baby was killed in the fall and she was seriously injured. (Source.)

The teenaged brothers, who were black and were apparently intending to rob the couple even though they were hired for pay, fled. One of them was later lynched by an angry mob. Mr. Goolsby will presumably be among those honored, his name etched in stone, by a new $20 million memorial in Alabama to victims of vigilante mobs. See Mike King’s report on this temple to murderers and rapists, where, in a desperate and almost comical attempt at creating suitable altars, soil samples from sacred spots where lynchings occurred will be on display. You won’t find a lick of sympathy for the likes of Mr. and Mrs. Mims and their poor baby in The New York Times’s piece on the project.

Lynching has long since ended, and truthfully, its victims were both black and white. Blacks lynched blacks too. Blacks, whether they were executed by whites or blacks, were not lynched simply because they were black. They were lynched because they were believed to have committed atrocities — including atrocities against blacks. Lynching is not the ideal form of justice, and indeed may be no justice at all, as there must have been those wrongly accused and killed, but it does not logically follow from these facts that we should honor those who were lynched. “Black Lives Matter” — but only if they can incite racial division. As King says, it doesn’t get more New World Order-ish than this. Fill the black man’s heart with hatred and his sponsors at the Ford Foundation and Google have their proxy warriors. (Think of how many college educations or struggling families $20 million could help. You think these people are motivated by sympathy for long deceased murderers and rapists? You think they feel sympathy for blacks today?)

A new museum will also be at the site. It will be called, “From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration” — just in case impressionable young minds don’t actually read the exhibits. Not surprisingly, the museum will be modeled, in part, off another temple to lies: The Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., which American taxpayers give $50 million to every year — in support of an outrageous scam.

Will the new museum teach the children on field trips that 20 percent of the 4,000 or so lynching victims were white? Or that blacks in many cases lynched blacks? Or that blacks were forming successful businesses and had intact families before racial division was fomented by certain enemies of white Christians? Will it describe the gruesome crimes, such as rapes of 10-year-old girls and murders of whole families, believed with good reason to have been perpetrated by the lynchees? No, that kind of museum would not get a penny of support from the likes of Google and Ford. See more about lynching myths here.

When are more blacks going to wake up and learn that they are being used?

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