Football Frank
February 6, 2017
“POPE” Francis, who, like his immediate predecessors, has fooled millions of decent people into believing one doesn’t have to be Catholic to be “Catholic” (or Pope), found spiritual inspiration this weekend in that most wholesome of cultural events — the Super Bowl. (See video below.) I have never heard anyone — even die-hard fans — argue that this modern-day gladiator show promotes world peace and self-sacrifice, but leave it to the motor-mouth in the Occupied Vatican to come up with that particular bit of globalist, pseudo-spiritual tripe. Can you imagine St. Peter, the first Pope, waxing eloquent over the Stupor Bowl … the thought is too outrageous and blasphemous to contemplate.
But if a real Pope were to speak on the Super Bowl, you would expect that he would condemn it. Big-time, modern sports spectacles threaten world peace and self-sacrifice. Sports can indeed be healthy and normal, but the Super Bowl is garbage. No matter how good the chicken wing recipes and fun get-togethers may be, the Super Bowl brings satanic music rituals, false patriotism, intense commercialism, militaristic arrogance, unhealthy sports regimens and a mob mentality into millions of homes. It is corrupting, Frank, not ennobling. The athletic industrial complex is bread-and-circuses that corrupt the normal man’s desire for fun and athletics, and distracts men from the fight to defend their souls, their homes, and their nations from those who use “world peace” as a pretext for world conquest.
Jorge Bergoglio is everything Freemasons ever wanted in a Pope — and more. It’s taken centuries of covert plotting and revolution to achieve this triumph. He’s the gift that keeps on giving.

See commentary at Novus Ordo Watch.
Update: Thomas A. Droleskey reflects on how sports has changed and how “what was once a legitimate diversion became an obsession.”