Another Academic Thug
April 28, 2017
A HIGH school teacher in Downingtown, Pennsylvania aggressively harassed a couple of students protesting abortion outside his school. (Language warning.) At The Philadelphia Inquirer, a commenter writes:
This guy is the epitome of the modern liberal (no longer liberal – only communist/socialist). Back in the day if you didn’t like someone’s message, you ignored it and moved on, knowing that you [could] push your own message just as they could if you so wanted. Now the modern liberal, exactly like this guy, seeks active obstruction of that speech in lieu of pushing his own. Get in their face, cuss at them, yell at them, and shout and dance over their message, to suppress their speech. Very bullying tactics – the heckler’s veto.
Knowledge is power right? If their knowledge couldn’t stand up to a debate, why would he try to suppress them? People should know more. They should know all sides of the issue, and logically deduce themselves and from shared debates and discourse, the end logical conclusion. Instead he suppresses opposing viewpoints. Does he not think that his students should be exposed to all sides of the issue?? It seems so. As Bill Maher would say – a modern book burner.