Goats and Yoga
June 22, 2017

THE LATEST fad in yoga involves intimacy with goats.

— Comments —
Michael writes:
I couldn’t help but notice that only women were shown in this story. Wonder why? The goats are like children to them, don’t talk back, and you can leave them when you are tired of them. I’m sure Patanjali, Indian author of the famous Yoga Sutras, would smile and think yes, goats can seek enlightenment also, even better when they poop on your back. Not.
Laura writes:
I believe women far outnumber men in yoga centers.
S.K. writes:
Gross indeed, and somewhat amusing. On the one hand, I am tempted to mercilessly mock these idiots for their extremely idiotic behavior. On the other hand, I almost want to hug them as though they are victims of an incomprehensible society who don’t know what else to do. I can’t imagine that the shapely and comely woman kneeling before the goat imagined that this is what she’d be doing in her adulthood when she was a child day-dreaming about where she’d be at that age.