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When We Danced « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When We Danced

September 8, 2017


— Comments —

Stephen Ippolito writes:

Thank you so much for posting that great clip of the Appalachian dancing. It has long been a favorite and is on my ipod permanently.

The comments section is interesting and repays the reading as they stress the positives: the welcome place that all the generations, even the elders, have in the activity, the discipline that it would have taken to learn the steps, the wholesome and dignified dress of all involved, the slimness and fitness of all.

How wonderful to live in a time when people of European stock joyfully embraced their their people’s traditions. The photographer seems alert to this and goes to lengths to show the portraits of past generations on the wall. There is real character in those faces on the wall – and on the dance floor too.

May I suggest this as a companion piece?  Just brilliant. Pete Seeger did important work recording and keeping alive the traditional music of Appalachia. He was a principled man of the left when the left was principled and he unashamedly respected these worthy people. The modern nihilistic left shrieks for their dying off. I suspect that there is too much beauty and truth in these people and their culture so the spiritually barren must have it and them erased.

On a personal note, I have finally gotten around to learning the bluegrass banjo. I can’t recall who said it but I totally agree that: “No-one can hear the notes of a banjo and not smile”.

J.P. Straley writes:

Perhaps those interested in more folkish dancing should look to a trend that is alive and growing, contra-dancing. It’s great fun, generally danced as a reel so that you get to dance a few steps with everyone. You’ll find people on the floor ranging from 10 years to 80 years.

These sorts of dancing will never go away, too much fun. Excellent social mixer, with people ranging from crazed liberals to good ol’ boys to professors. Often find a lot of strong church-goers. They all have a common interest — they come for the dancing!

Music generally live, usually a string band.

Try it!

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