Jordan Peterson and the Unmentionable Problem
April 5, 2018

ALEX WITOSLAWSKI responds to recent commentary by Jordan Peterson on Jewish influence and success in America. This is an excellent rejoinder to Peterson, who seriously damaged his intellectual integrity on this issue. Witoslawski writes:
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a fan of Dr. Jordan Peterson. His message about “cleaning your room” is spot on—everyone should seek to get their personal lives in order before they focus too heavily on activism. What he said about the power of speaking the truth helped forever change my life—it led me to embrace more radical ideas and advocate for them at great personal cost. And despite Peterson’s unverified claims about how he turned “thousands” of young men away from the alt-right, I know of several friends who followed a similar path from Peterson to more dissident right-wing ideas—and none who went the other way.
Regardless, the point here is that I have great respect for Jordan Peterson. But my respect for him did make his recent blog post about the Jewish Question so much more disappointing to me. Not because I disagree with Peterson on this issue—I can handle disagreement with others just fine, and to be honest I expect him to hold the views that he does because if he didn’t, he’d almost certainly get kicked off of Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and every credit card payment processor, lose positive coverage from Fox News, and probably get prosecuted for some kind of “hate speech” in Canada. In short, I don’t expect everyone to agree on the Jewish Question, and I don’t expect those who do to publicly come out and discuss it, because the personal cost of doing so is often too great.
No, it wasn’t my disagreement with Dr. Peterson that I found disappointing, but rather the unfair and, quite frankly, emotionally unhinged way that he covered the Jewish Question. Instead of giving his views in a fair and respectful manner, he was quick to poison the well by implying that anyone who disagrees with him is an evil pathological loser who believes in crazy conspiracy theories. Nothing could be further from the truth. [cont.]
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— Comments —
Kyle writes:
Peterson’s refusal to even talk about Jewish/Zionist influences in Western power structures in a critical manner is revealing considering other ideologues in his philosophical stable pull no punches when analyzing the defects of black, Arab and Latino people. Stefan Molyneux comes to mind. They’re both Darwinists that have dusted off Bible stories to appeal to a generation of young adult men raised on superhero movies. In fairness, he doesn’t deny reading the Holy Bible through the lens of a psychologist as opposed to a theologian, but, his bringing of Jesus Christ down to the level of being just another hero archetype is not a wise move. He’s strong on the transgender topic, free speech, and locking horns with cretins of post-modern thought in a stern yet caring manner, but he struggles in spiritual matters.
To Peterson, every setback in society boils down to the wrong mixture of IQ levels, messy living spaces and fatherless children. He makes many noble points on these topics and has illustrated many truths but he’s only getting half the picture. Peterson, Molyneux and even Charles Murray all rely heavily on IQ and demographic statistics, while only paying lip service to the real driving force that has propelled Western innovation: the Church. Peterson’s Jungian Gnostic approach to Christianity merely extrapolates the sacred wisdom of the Holy Bible for philosophical or psychological dissection.
This is a problem because to us Christians, the events that are described in the Bible matter. The Gospels are not just stories with a moral lesson like Aesop’s Fables. Jesus really is the incarnation of the Logos and He’s really the Son of God. God became one of us through Christ. He died on the cross and rose from the dead. These historical events are not just archetypal symbols for course evaluation. Until he realizes the error in this modernist thinking, he’s just treading over the same old Aristotelian sophistry that asked questions that have already been answered.
Laura writes:
But Peterson does not have to be a Christian to notice the significant Jewish role in creating the social chaos he criticizes and one can examine his position on this separately from his sloppy theology. He makes an argument that is certainly worthy of discussion — that the real issue is just that Jews are smarter — but unfortunately he does not appear willing to debate it honestly given his ad hominem attacks.
He can have money and stardom. But he is done as an intellectual.
He’s just a spokesman now.
Kyle writes:
I’m not a mind reader, so, I don’t know what Peterson thinks about this subject other than what he’s willing to divulge in the public space, which is apparently nothing at all. Knowing how common Christ denial is throughout history out of fear of persecution from the rabbinical class, it’s entirely possible that he does notice the influence Jewish people have on creating discord in the Christian world but lacks the intestinal fortitude to confront it because he enjoys the newly found fame and fortune and fears his own destruction. The Apostles cowered behind lock doors out of fear of the Jewish leadership in John 20:19 because they had just witnessed the influence the synagogue can have by bending the ear of Rome’s ruthless, pagan leadership. “What the Jews say, goes” was likely their thought at that moment and non-Christians can be of the same mind.
As a man of the scientific method, he’d surely acknowledge the hell wrought on our planet through the atomic bomb–a device created from the minds of Oppenheimer, Teller, Feynman, Szilard, Bethe, Bohm, Serber, Frankel, Perlman, Weinberg, etc. As an IQ apologist, he’d have to concede that the high-IQ levels of Ashkenazi Jews that construct such destructive devices bring about more problems than solutions, as evidenced by the aforementioned Manhattan Project. He’d likely argue that correlation does not imply causation, but it’s a starting point for a discussion into the fallen nature of mankind and its refusal to use knowledge wisely rather than attempt to, yet again, reconstruct Babylon as man tirelessly tries to do.
I’d like to note a passage from Hitler’s Mein Kampf, as it pays to know the events and beliefs that set the stage for major historical events like World War II–the deadliest conflict in human history. The book was written in 1925 and in retrospect, the passage I cite echoes loudly when considering the organized and violent failure of the Third Reich to address the topic Peterson squirms to avoid. In the chapter titled “Marxism as the Destroyer of Culture”, he notes:
“When over long periods of human history I scrutinized the activity of the Jewish people, suddenly there rose up in me the fearful question whether inscrutable Destiny, perhaps for reasons unknown to us poor mortals, did not with the eternal and immutable resolve, desire the final victory of this little nation. Was it possible that the earth had been promised as a reward to this people which lives only for this earth?
[…]The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man”.
Hitler, Adolf. 1998. Mein Kampf. (P. 64). Houghton Mifflin Company.
Christians aren’t promised earth, we’re promised heaven if we accept the Lord and denounce our sinful nature. Hitler was brushing against the truth but as an atheist, he failed to admit that the same sin haunts both Gentile and Jew. By rejecting the Lord, we inherit the fallen world and its ways as “reward” since it belongs to Satan and his deceptive influence (Corinthians 4:4, John 18:36). On a macro scale, this issue is beyond our control and every attempt to address it throughout history has brought nothing but death and destruction to all players involved. We should pray for those who are attracted to worldly philosophies apart from Christ–no matter if they’re Jewish or Gentile. The best we can hope for with Peterson and his followers is that they encounter Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and savior.
Laura writes:
You write:
On a macro scale, this issue is beyond our control and every attempt to address it throughout history has brought nothing but death and destruction to all players involved. We should pray for those who are attracted to worldly philosophies apart from Christ–no matter if they’re Jewish or Gentile. The best we can hope for with Peterson and his followers is that they encounter Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and savior.
We should indeed pray for all those attracted to worldly philosophies. However, it is not true that all efforts to contain Jewish criminality and cultural harm have met with death and destruction. In the policy of Sicut Judaeis Non, which says in essence that Jews should not be harmed and they should not be permitted to harm others, an effective policy was laid out by the Catholic Church.
What should we do today? Here is a Catholic plan of action:
* educate the world about the fundamentally genocidal Master Race tenets of Judaism and the history inspired by that Jewish supremacism
* apprehend all perpetrators and accomplices of crimes against humanity, including economic crimes against humanity—accomplices, enablers, agitators, enforcers, mouthpieces, talking heads, puppets, middle management, political prostitutes, change agents, and other shabbos goyim
* prosecute the perpetrators and accomplices in fair and open trials
* punish the guilty
* repatriate all ill-gotten gains, especially what has been stolen by usury, bribery, and other fraud by dynastic looters
* leave the innocent alone
Doug writes:
Kyle wrote:
“As a man of the scientific method, he’d surely acknowledge the hell wrought on our planet through the atomic bomb–a device created from the minds of Oppenheimer, Teller, Feynman, Szilard, Bethe, Bohm, Serber, Frankel, Perlman, Weinberg, etc. “
The Roman Catholic Enrico Fermi conducted the first controlled nuclear experiment under Soldier’s Field 1942.
L. P. writes:
The one good thing Jordan Peterson is doing is making the post modern neo Marxists vulnerable. He is a psychologist using the scientific method. Imagine how much better our world will be if we start returning to a modernist interpretation rather than staying locked up in this post modern power struggle. Imagine how much more influence a Christian world view will have once freedom of speech prevails.