Boy Scouts Can Be Girls
May 2, 2018

KYLE writes:
The Boys Scouts program will become the Scouts BSA in February 2019 to reflect the 108 year-old organization’s decision to include young women, the Boy Scouts of America announced today. Following the organization’s reversal on policies regarding homosexuals, “transgender” people and single-gender environments, the convergence of Boy Scouts is complete and it becomes another traditional American institution that has fallen to cultural Marxism.
No one who has been following news of the organization’s shifting social views is surprised by this final coffin nail. In 2013 the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow homosexual children to participate in activities–a move publicly advocated by former Secretary of State and national president of the Boy Scouts, Rex Tillerson. In January 2017 they voted to allow children to participate regardless of their sexual identification, thus opening the door for transgender children and Scout leaders.
The push to confuse the gender identities of citizens, particularly children, in Western nations has moved forward at warp speed, and the sudden changes this biology-denying cult has inflicted has even left some leftists rattled. The policy change has been met with resistance from the Girl Scouts, which has been highly critical of the Boy Scouts’ decision to infringe on their pool of potential girls for membership. The Girl Scouts is open with its “social justice” agenda and a quick perusal of their social media accounts induces this writer’s eyes to glaze over with the obligatory “diversity as strength” mantra that riddles every corporate webpage. The Girl Scouts’ dissatisfaction with their male counterpart goes to show that leftism and its endless quest to tear down barriers and mix everyone together isn’t creating the unity we were promised. Like hyenas who snap at each other when feasting on scraps of whatever noble animal they’ve ganged up on, leftists are devouring our oldest institutions.
To give you an idea of the boundlessness of this plague, in February 2018, an 18-year old male pretending to be a female won his second straight wrestling championship competing in the female division. As to be expected, the win was greeted with a mix of boos and cheers–the cheers coming from adults who are pleased to witness a chemically castrated boy pinning their daughters to the mat. In saner times this public disgrace would’ve never made it past the sign-up sheets, but in modern clown world America, anything goes. It’s truly lamentable what has happened to the Boy Scouts of America, but its demise proves Communist Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions” promise. This disorder is not of the Lord’s doing but of Satan’s, for he is the author of confusion (Corinthians 14:33).
Fortunately for those who have been seeking Christian alternatives to the Boy Scouts, there’s the Troops of Saint George. The Troops of Saint George is a Catholic organization that aims to lead young men to a life of prayer and fraternity. Trail Life USA is a popular option for Protestants, as well.
I’ll conclude this piece by quoting Venerable Fulton John Sheen from his speech titled “There is Life in the Womb”:
“I wonder when we got into this position of denying limits? I wonder why young people are so concerned about their identity? 30 or 40 years ago, nobody had the problem of identity. Why not? Because he recognized boundaries. Limits!
How do you know, the limits, for example of the identity for the State of Illinois? By it’s boundary lines! How do you know the identity of a basketball court? By it’s foul lines! How do we know our own identity? By limits! By boundaries! By law! By order.”
— Comments —
Dan R. writes:
An excellent piece by Kyle, but one mistake:
“To give you an idea of the boundlessness of this plague, in February 2018, an 18-year old male pretending to be a female won his second straight wrestling championship competing in the female division. As to be expected, the win was greeted with a mix of boos and cheers–the cheers coming from adults who are pleased to witness a chemically castrated boy pinning their daughters to the mat.”
Mack Beggs is a woman “transitioning” to “becoming a man.” As opposed to being a chemically-castrated boy, she is actually a chemically-enhanced female, giving her a significant advantage over the girls she wrestled.
While my correction doesn’t refute Kyle’s points, which are sound, factual mistakes can undermine an author’s message and it is in that spirit that I write.
Kyle writes:
Thank you for the correction, Dan.
Reading this news story gave me a headache when trying to discern what the child actually is biologically and not what gender the journalist was trying to impress upon the reader.
From what I understand she was born female, wants to be a boy, is taking testosterone BUT can’t compete against the boys because the UIL requires student athletes to compete against the gender listed on their birth certificate.
She prefers to wrestle against the boys, but can’t because UIL requires athletes to compete against the gender listed on their birth certificate.
I’ve read in modern AP/MLA/Chicago stylebooks that the rule is to refer to the person by their preferred gender identification and not what they really are! This comes at no mental strain to the news media, for by feigning objectivity to the subject, they essentially side with and promote the social engineers’ gender dysphoria agenda. No matter the combination of gender pronouns used in that story, the result is the same: madness.
Laura writes:
Prescribing testosterone to a healthy girl is medical malpractice. It should be a criminal offense.