Traditional Housewife — The New Hitler
June 6, 2018
AS MORE women see through the lies of feminism and embrace the traditional life, the Big Media are likely to shame and demonize the housewife more and more. Annie Kelly, a Ph.D. student who is writing her dissertation on internet anti-feminism, sets a very, very high standard in this regard with her recent article at The New York Times. No longer is the housewife just a loser and a parasite, she is now a “sinister,” “authoritarian,” “hyper-feminine,” “racist,” “abhorrent,” ‘red-lipsticked,” “lunatic” “white supremacist” so afraid of being violated and objectified by men that she opts for submission. She’s also the usual parasite (Ph.D. students writing political tracts are not parasites):
A frustrated yearning for a mythic past of material abundance, at a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult for young people to build careers and achieve financial security, is not gender-specific. Young people face ever more obstacles, higher demands and continually dwindling returns in the form of work benefits, job security and pay. We shouldn’t underestimate how some young white women, when faced with this bleak economic landscape and then presented with a rosy image of 1950s domestic bliss, may look back to 1960s Friedan-era feminism as having cheated them out of a family and a luxurious lifestyle, all supported by a single income.
“Housewife” is becoming a buzz word right up there with “Neo-Nazi” and “hater.” The housewife is dangerous and must be stopped. If not, she might do something really violent and sinister, such as have a big family.
The illustration accompanying this piece is clever. The pretty, contented, well-groomed, conscientious housewife vacuums up the female future.
Oh, if only she could.
If only she could erase the female future which is really a future not of female rule but of females ruled — ruled by impersonal institutions and powerful men instead of imperfect yet loving husbands.
If only she could. That would be a vacuum cleaner worth having.

— Comments —
John writes:
Can these creatures make it any plainer how much they hate us and want to do us harm? We should think and act accordingly.