“Goodbye, Good Men”
August 30, 2018
IN his 2002 book Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church, author Michael S. Rose argued that for decades normal Catholic men were being turned away from seminaries in favor of men who supported the sexual revolution. For instance, men who did not believe women should be priests — that is, men with a healthy and normal sense of masculine identity — were being turned down for the priesthood. The rough, cigar-smoking, golf-playing priest of yesteryear was long ago replaced by men who were noticeably un-manly, reflecting changes in the culture at large, but more importantly changes in the mental universe of those leading Catholic institutions. The ongoing sex abuse scandal — and the explosive revelations of the last few days — are not surprising in light of Rose’s findings. In fact, that there would be anything but widespread sexual crimes in the institutions of what was once the Catholic Church would be a major surprise.
In an interview, Rose stated:
In bringing the “sexual revolution” into the Church, liberals have welcomed—even preferred—radicalized active homosexuals to orthodox seminarians in the name of “tolerance.” Now that tolerance has been exposed as a toleration of criminal acts. The extent of the sex abuse scandals and the accompanying payoffs and cover-ups has mystified many of the faithful who are simply at a loss to understand how this could have occurred, and why it was swept under the rug for so long. Goodbye, Good Men presents evidence that the root of this problem—both the cover-up and the sex abuse itself—extends down to the very place where vocations to the priesthood germinate: the seminary. The corrupt, protective network starts in many of these seminaries, where gay seminarians were encouraged to “act out” or “explore their sexuality” in highly inappropriate ways.
Through the seminaries, moral and religious liberals have brought a moral meltdown into the Catholic priesthood. If the sex scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church are to end, the individuals responsible for this moral meltdown must be rooted out. Only then will the “dark shadow of suspicion,” as the Pope calls it, be removed from “all the other fine priests who perform their ministry with honesty and integrity, and often with heroic self-sacrifice.”
But the problem is not just “liberals” in the Church. The problem is that with the Vatican II Revolution — comparable in the ecclesiastical sphere to the French and Communist Revolutions in the civil realm — Catholicism was replaced with a new faith. Known as “modernism,” it is a faith with its own dogma, morals and worship, a faith opposed to the Catholic religion despite the many things it shares in common with it. That it shares so much in common with the Catholic faith was the main reason why this religion was so successful.
The problem in the seminaries that Rose described originates at the top — in the papacy itself and the men who by virtue of their very sophisticated and artful deformations of the faith, however sincere their belief in the new religion was, deceived many sincere, devout and well-intentioned Catholics and thereby lost all claim to the offices they held — and hold.
The sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church will never end and never be solved until true popes and traditional worship once again uphold the true faith. The Catholic Church is a hierarchical institution, deformation of the faith at the top leads to a massive falling away from the perennial truths.
“With John XXIII taking control of the papacy in 1958 the modernists had enough power then to bring in their modernist false faith — their anti-faith — and to begin immediately to construct a religion to go with their modernist faith, to do that they had to deconstruct the traditional Catholic religion, its mass, its sacraments, its catechism, its code of canon law, its devotions and all the rest and replace them.” says Fr. William Jenkins, SSPV. “A new faith requires a new religion… The modernist brought in their own morality, which is basically what the Church has always condemned … It was therefore just a matter of time before all this played out. When they brought in their new modernist morality, they opened the floodgates to the homosexuals and the homosexuals flooded the seminaries.”
But also the male priest was undermined in his masculine identity by virtue of the immense changes to Catholic liturgy with Vatican II. No longer was the priest on the altar only with men. He was increasingly surrounded by women and women now dominate the liturgical life of many parishes. The rule of women leads inescapably to homosexuality and effeminacy.
Therefore what else could we expect?