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The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Protestant’s View Before Vatican II

January 16, 2025

“MY parents were Baptists; but until the age of thirty-two, I was not a believer in the truth of Christianity. My own observation of men and things, as well as the arguments of others, at length satisfied me that the system was divine; and I at once acted upon my convictions, and joined myself to the Disciples, in 1840. In 1843 I removed with my family to Oregon. After my arrival, and while I was temporarily located at Fort Vancouver, I attended High Mass as a mere spectator, on Christmas, at midnight. Read More »


Catholics Cannot Attend “Traditionalist” Chapels

January 16, 2025

St. Peter holding the Keys of Heaven, Peter Paul Rubens

TRADITIONALISTS argue that necessity knows no law and they can resort to epikeia to justify their ordinations and consecrations. This has been refuted here.  And as explained at length in a separate work, Pope Pius XII’s 1945 election constitution, Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis, (VAS) — which infallibly decrees what can and cannot be done during an interregnum — forbids any correction or change in the law during an interregnum. ‘The laws issued by Roman Pontiffs in no way can be corrected or changed by the assembly of Cardinals of the Roman Church while it is without a Pope, nor can anything be subtracted from them or added or dispensed in any way whatsoever with respect to said laws or any part of them… In truth, if anything adverse to this command should by chance happen to come about or be attempted, We declare it, by Our Supreme Authority, to be null and void.’

“Here we are talking both papal laws and Canon Law, which is largely taken from papal and conciliar law. Some may object that Can. 20 advises the use of epikeia, and to invoke it would not be a violation of the law But Can. 20 specifically states there must be no other provision in the case considered, and such provision was already laid down in VAS. It also recommends consulting the laws given in similar cases and the common and constant teaching of approved authors. Laws given in similar cases point to the summoning of the bishops to elect a pope (Council of Constance) and a good number of authors agree on this, namely St. Robert Bellarmine and those supporting his teaching. St. Bellarmine also recommends the calling of an imperfect council in the absence of a pope if the cardinals cannot elect. Finally, Can. 20 cannot be used in anything involving penalties. And VAS is a document levying several penalties.”

— Teresa Benns, Betrayed Catholics

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“The Ladies Get What They Want”

January 16, 2025

“WOMEN have become dominant in Twelfth Night and take the initiative. Malvolio lacks self-confidence and self-control and is weak, and with the exception of Antonio, the other men are passive. The women are the only people left who have any will, which is the sign of a decadent society.

Maria, in love with Sir Toby, tricks him into marrying her. Olivia starts wooing Cesario from the first moment she sees him, and Viola is a real man-chaser. All the ladies in this play get what they want.”

— W.H. Auden, Lectures on Shakespeare (Princeton University Press, 2000); p. 154



What You See Is Not What You Get

January 16, 2025

H. writes from Southern California:

Thanks for the Gender Inversion post by Kathy G. the other day. I’m finally convinced Taylor Swift is a man now. I remember you posting about it a year or so ago, but I wasn’t convinced at that time. I watched the Mr. E videos, the one where Swift is at an awards ceremony, wins, gets up from the chair, high fives or shakes a guys hand with a burst of masculine strength, Swift turns around and you see her exposed upper back. That particular video was the clincher, and now I can’t un-see it, as both you and Kathy G. remark. The guys in the video says she/it has to wear a lot of makeup/red lipstick because she’s just not pretty, (right!) which is why she’s always wearing make-up, to create the illusion. Read More »


Clergy on Women’s Suffrage

January 15, 2025



When Slavery Was a Necessary Evil

January 15, 2025

View of Thebes, Hugh William Williams (1819)

JONATHAN writes:

Here’s an interesting comment on infanticide from The World of Hesiod: A Study of the Greek Middle Ages, c. 900-700 B.C. by A.R. Burn:

At Thebes suicides were held in the deepest dishonour (a vivid contrast to that strain in Greek thought which led  towards Stoicism) and infanticide — or rather, according to  Greek practice, the exposure of surplus children — was  forbidden. Infants that could not be reared had to be brought to the magistrates, who sold them; and the buyers were bound to bring them up, though they might have them as slaves.

What’s interesting is now abortion is generally seen as distasteful but slavery as morally unacceptable under any conditions by both conservatives and liberals. While The Didache says abortion is forbidden but doesn’t mention slavery:

You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not kill a child by abortion nor commit infanticide…

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How a Hermit Found His Home

January 15, 2025

St. Paul the Hermit Fed by a Raven, Guercino (1591-1666)

“UPON this occasion Paul also withdrew himself to a remote country-house, designing to lie concealed there till the storm blew over: but his sister’s husband, who was acquainted with the place of his retreat, conceived a resolution to betray him to the persecutors in hopes of possessing himself of his estate. The Saint being informed of his wicked resolution, quitted his country-house, and fled into the wilderness, where he purposed to pass his time till the danger was over. Here, as he advanced still further and further into the remoter parts of the desert, he came at last to a rocky mountain, at the foot of which he found a large den or cave; and going in, he there discovered a kind of a spacious porch, open at the top to the heavens, but protected by an old palm-tree, which covered it with its spreading branches: near which there was a spring of clear water: and in a hollow part of the mountain, several cells or rooms, which, by the instruments he found there, appeared to have been formerly occupied by coiners. This place the Saint judged to be very proper for his abode; and embraced it as a dwelling assigned him by divine Providence for the remainder of his life. And thus he who thought only at first to hide himself for a while in the wilderness from the fury of the persecutors, was by the design of God conducted thither, to be an in habitant for life, and the first that should dedicate, and, as it were, consecrate, those deserts to divine love …”

— From The lives of the Fathers of the Eastern Deserts, or, The wonders of God in the wilderness 



O, Humble Home of Nazareth

January 15, 2025

The Holy Family, Giambattista Pittoni


O House of Nazareth the blest,
fair hostess of the Lord,
the Church was nurtured at thy breast
and shared thy scanty hoard.

In all the spreading lands of earth
the wandering sun may see
no dearer spot, no ampler worth
than erst was found in thee!

We know thy humble tenement
was heaven’s hermitage:
Celestial heralds came and went
in endless embassage. Read More »


Sound Familiar?

January 14, 2025

BUT know this, that in the last days dangerous times will come. Men will be lovers of self, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, criminal, heartless, faithless, slanderous, incontinent, merciless, unkind, treacherous, stubborn, puffed up with pride, loving pleasure more than God, having a semblance indeed of piety but disowning its power. ”

— (II Tim. 3, 1-5)



The Party Must Sometimes Pay

January 14, 2025

IF YOU wanted to destroy a major part of LA in order to ‘build back better,’ it would make sense to target the houses of those who so support your agenda they couldn’t even conceive of revolting against you.

You’ll get the government to reimburse them.

And, hey, they’ll be glad with the results. Read More »


Elite Mockery of Male and Female

January 14, 2025

KATHY G. writes:

The level of Elite Gender Inversion (EGI) among the political and ruling classes is much higher than most people realize. Many of the supposedly female “feminists” and politicians, actresses and celebrities are actually male, and have been for years. EGI is common among satanists because of the androgyny of Baphomet. They consider  a human that is both male and female to be more perfect than the male and female of God’s Creation. It is a tribute, a sacrament of sorts, to invert the sex of children born into these families. They consider themselves “special” and above the masses of only one sex per individual. They have carefully kept this pretty quiet, with a few exceptions, like the masculine “Princess Stephanie” of Monaco. This Amber Rudd in the UK has a wide male skull and square jaw, deep set eyes, brow ridge, and an Adam’s Apple (airbrushed out in most pics).

She appears to be male. They put biological men posing as women in positions of power, and they do not condemn the rape of white women and children. This silences actual white males, cowed by years of the “feminists” abuse of the “patriarchy”. If you take a close look at the American “feminist” icons, most appear to be male. Take a close look at Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Margaret Mead, and Susan Sontag. You don’t even have to look close at White hater Susan Sontag.

These rapes of Western women and children by Muslims are being orchestrated and approved by men posing as women. Most are very probably actually homosexual as well, homosexuals who hate and envy biological women, and delight in their torment and suffering. Actual leftist women see this and follow their lead.

 The world is not what it seems at all. Read More »


Flattery Can Be Worse than Martyrdom

January 14, 2025

HAPPY me, could I thus have fought with men, who professed themselves to be the enemies of thy name; every one would have said, that they who had recourse to tortures, and sword, and fire, to compel a Christian to deny Thee, were persecutors; and my death would have been sufficient testimony to Thy truth, O God! The battle would have been an open one, and no one would have hesitated to call, by the honest name, these men that denied Thee, and racked and murdered us; and Thy people, seeing that it was an evident persecution, would have followed their Pastors in the confession of their faith.

“But, now-a-days, we have to do with a disguised persecutor, a smooth-tongued enemy, a Constantius who has put on Antichrist; who scourges us, not with lashes, but with caresses; who instead of robbing us, which would give us spiritual life, bribes us with riches, that he may lead us to eternal death; who thrusts us, not into the liberty of a prison, but into the honours of his palace, that he may enslave us; who tears, not our flesh, but our hearts; who beheads not with a sword, but kills the soul with his gold; who sentences not by a herald that we are to be burnt, but covertly enkindles the fire of hell against us. He does not dispute with us, that he may conquer; but he flatters us, that so he may lord it over our souls.”

St. Hilary of Poitiers

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More on the Curse of Cham

January 13, 2025



A Biblical, Catholic View of Race Differences

January 13, 2025

Drunkenness of Noah, Giovanni Bellini


FROM Rev. James L. Meagher, D.D.’s How Christ Said the First Mass: Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Jesus and the Apostles, Foretold in the Hebrew Passover (Christian Press Publishing, 1908), p. 94-95:

Noe, the second Adam, father of mankind, high priest and image of Jesus Christ, planted a vineyard, pressed the grapes and made wine. Not knowing its effect he took too much, lay naked in his tent, an image of our High Priest stripped of his garments, crucified, dead on the cross. Ham, Noe’s second son mocked his father as the Jews mocked the dying Christ. His two other sons, Sem and Japheth with a cloak, covered their father’s nakedness. Read More »


Phony Rebels

January 12, 2025



Anita Bryant

January 12, 2025

A DESPISED celebrity who stood her ground, never hating anyone and speaking the truth with kindness, Anita Bryant has died at the age of 84.

For more about Bryant, see Alan’s 2024 post, “Anita Bryant and the Liars.”




You’ve Been Had

January 12, 2025



Don’t Forget Appalachia

January 11, 2025