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The Darwinian Woman « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Darwinian Woman

May 13, 2009


“Her beauty is one of nature’s grandest and most cunning gestures of manipulation and, if one is wise, one can never glance at the Darwinian Woman in full flower without feeling that one has outwitted nature itself because one knows this beauty is manipulative.” Read on for a brief examination of the Darwinian Woman in all her glory.

There is the Darwinian Man and there is the Darwinian Woman. They are both interesting and they are each a logical and necessary outgrowth of a metaphysical worldview. They are the creations of science and philosophy combined.

Both are worthy of our attention, but the Darwinian Woman more so. Let’s leave the man for now and study her.

The Darwinian Woman is simple to understand. That’s the best thing about her. Her motives can be reduced to one over-riding concern: protection. She wants to reproduce first and foremost, but beneath this drive is this unconscious obsession: protection. She wants the material protection of the male so she can raise her young and she wants the protection his desirable genetic profile affords to her offspring, the carriers of her own genes.

How does she get what she wants? How does she achieve protection? She obtains it in the same way the moth gains safety from its predators: by camouflage and subterfuge. This subterfuge is purely physical in the moth: his wings blend in with the surfaces on which he alights. But, in the woman it is supra-physical as well,  the mind and psychological infrastructure being biological entities subject to the same laws of survival.

The woman deceives unwittingly with her appearance. Her beauty advertises, sometimes spuriously, her health and reproductive vitality. She consciously enhances this appearance to add to its suggestive power. Her beauty is one of nature’s grandest and most cunning gestures of manipulation and, if one is wise, one can never glance at the Darwinian Woman in full flower without feeling that one has outwitted nature itself because one knows this beauty is manipulative.

The Darwinian Woman deceives both consciously and unconsciously in her actions. Her emotions also are a form of trickery. When she is attracted to a man who is handsome or strong or smart, she wants him only for these reasons and for their suggestion of reproductive possibilities. These are the sum and substance of his worth to her, not simply the cause of initial attraction. These are her protection.

All of the substantial power women possess in this world lies in the emotional and psychic realms. But, these realms are extensions of biological reality in the Darwinian scheme. This leads us to the most important aspect of the Darwinian Woman: she has no power. She has no power beyond her sexual usefulness, the illusory pleasure she creates and the genes she leaves behind.

The pure facts of biology necessitate dependence in women. And, the Darwinian Woman is the feminine facts of biology and no more. She has no power in relation to the superior strength of the Darwinian Man. She can get around this limitation, however, by mimicking the superior strength of the man. And, as evolution is always tinkering with human behavior, the Darwinian Man may come to “love” a Darwinian Woman who mimics a man.

Let’s not neglect the Darwinian Woman as mother. Her children are her reproductive schemes. Her efforts to keep them healthy, to make them wise, and to provide them with moments of happiness are strategic in nature and nothing more. My use of the words “wise” and “happiness” are proof that I too am a Darwinian Woman. She is easy to understand. One can almost anticipate what she will do next.

The fact that the Darwinian Woman today may have very few children, or none at all, is no barrier to understanding the simplicity of her motives or her desire for reproductive success.

Evolution is always tinkering with human behavior. We can’t understand all its paths, but we do know its motives.

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