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The Envied Michelle « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Envied Michelle

May 28, 2009

Time Magazine’s latest admiring article on Michelle Obama highlights the wistfulness of American women in an era of triumphant egalitarianism. Michelle is enviable not just because she has all the clothes and servants she wants, but because after years of career, she is now that rarest of all things: a housewife. According to the authors, Nancy Gibbs and Michael Sherer:

After working hard for 20 years, she gets to take a sabbatical, spend as much time as she wants with her kids, do as many high-impact public events as she chooses and, when it’s all over, have the rest of her life to write the next chapter. “I don’t even know what that is yet,” she says, but she’ll have choices then, as she has now, that most working mothers only dream of.

Of course, it is ludicrous to say Michelle is taking a “sabbatical.”  Being First Lady is a job – a difficult and exalted job. Predictably, feminists have complained that she has sacrificed too much of herself for her husband’s career. Apparently even having a president for husband does not warrant giving up one’s job in public relations. How long before we have a First Lady who leaves the White House with a brief case every day?

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