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The Crass and Beautiful Jolie « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Crass and Beautiful Jolie

June 18, 2009


Few women personify the vanity and emotional instability of liberalism as well as Angelina Jolie, with her multi-ethnic tribe of adopted children and her pathetic efforts to disguise self-display as global enlightenment. Angelina is one of those rare women who make maternal desire predatory. Hold on to your children, mothers of the Third World, when Angelina is in town!

In an article in the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar, Angelina receives the feminist etablishment’s ultimate endorsement: a glowing article by Naomi Wolf. Strangely, Wolf is the author of the best-selling The Beauty Myth, which repackaged the cliche that feminine beauty is a patriarchal tool. How is it that Wolf warmly approves of Jolie’s visible splendor? Here’s the difference.  Jolie is the object of sexual fanatasies by women, contends Wolf. So there. It’s not just a patriarchal thing.

Wolf adores Jolie for the glamour she has bestowed on single motherhood. This is sort of like adoring Angelo Bruno for the glamour he bestowed on organized crime. Writes Wolf:

Single moms had been cast as society’s pathetic cases, but with more than a quarter of U.S. households with children headed by such moms, this was long overdue for a rebranding. When Maddox appeared — this adorable, brush-cut tyke photographed by Annie Leibovitz in his early romance with his mom — Jolie revealed a new, and fairly radical, vision of single motherhood that made the relationship seem tender, glamorous, and complete, father figure or no father figure in the picture.

Feminists have as much psychological insight into the average child as Fagin, Charles Dickens’ famous con man. Fagin snatched unsuspecting children off the streets of London to turn them into pickpockets. Feminists snatch children from lives of potential normalcy. Do they get a thrill out of this?

It is a widely known fact that children have an affinity for fathers. Life in a household run by a single mother is notoriously unstable. Just check the prisons. I have a hard time attributing Wolf’s ignorance to the blinding effect of ideology. This is brutal callousness. This is a power play by women – not against men, but against children.

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