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Sarah-nades « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


July 5, 2009


Many patriotic Americans are madly in love. They’re madly in love with Sarah Palin. Sarah will break the stranglehold of the Washington elites. She will stick up for nation and family. She will be to the GOP what Obama is to the Democrats. Only read the comments on this column at American Thinker to get a sense of all that is riding on Sarah.

It’s gotten to the point where the more Sarah disqualifies herself from higher office, the more popular she becomes. Sarah has just betrayed the voters of Alaska by leaving her elective office. She has resigned for no reason other than that she wishes to explore better possibilities for herself. She appeared afterward at a July Fourth parade in Juneau, smiling with daughter Bristol and her baby at her side. All along, she has taken the view that the more publicly she flaunts her daughter’s private life, the more acceptable it will be.

She has offered no compelling reason to support her candidacy for national office other than her identification with Red State America. Yet, her supporters view everything Sarah does as an act of wisdom and idealism. Why don’t they see it as ambition? For a simple reason. They are in love. Love is mad. Love is irrational. Love is often self-destructive.

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