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The Decline of Matchmaking « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Decline of Matchmaking

July 27, 2009


“The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.” 

                                                                                        Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

Such is the bygone world of Austen’s Mrs. Bennet, mother of the legendary Elizabeth Bennet, who ultimately lands the most grumpy and charming man in all English literature. It is rare, if not unknown, for a British mother to lavish attention on her daughter’s marital prospects today. Young women enter the wilderness of contemporary love on their own.

Karen from England writes:

Up until recently, marriages in Britain were all but arranged in name. Parents, relatives and friends selected people who they thought were compatible. Men could not date women without being viewed and vetted by their familes and usually fathers. Courtships were conducted under the beady eyes of parents and marriages were sanctioned or vetoed by parents. Marriages which were not approved did not happen and the couple had no choice but to split or elope. Care and guidance was given to the selection of marriage partners with the essential criteria being compatibility. Often parental pressure was considerable. This was abandoned in the 1960s with disastrous consequences. Women now go to bars, meet men they know nothing about, and before long they are applying for a marriage licence or living with them. Parents have given up vetting partners and allow their offspring to marry anyone in the name of romance. The Royal family have even given up maintaining their tradititions. Our own Prince William and future king is shacked up with the niece of a man who lives in a house called La Maison Bang Bang (House of Sex) from where he deals drugs and arranges prostitutes.If the marriage goes ahead, our Queen will be related to a drug dealer and pimp. One must ask if she intends to have him detained at her pleasure. The Queen of Norway has an adopted illegitimate grandson whose natural father is in prison on drugs charges, by vitue of her son’s marriage to a waitress.
Hollywood has brainwashed millions of Americans and Brits into putting too much emphasis on romantic love and lust. Judgment about a partner’s suitability to build a marriage has been suspended. This is why the divorce rate is so high and why royalty and criminals get to be related. I think that an arranged marriage system is required in the West so that people can select suitable partners and rebuild the family tradition. The current method does not work. The free-for-all that allows anyone to marry anyone, regardless of parental approval or tradition, is destroying family tradition, pushing up divorce rates and creating massive social instability.

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