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The Fragile Male Income « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Fragile Male Income

July 27, 2009


Karen from England writes in regard to Why We Must Discriminate:

Men’s jobs are no longer secure as a consequence of globalisation, economic collapse and recession. Therefore women cannot rely on men as providers. This leaves many women with no option but to pursue careers and develop their own financial independence which provides them with a security net in the event of things going wrong. I think that family life and the issue of women’s roles cannot be resolved without major changes in society as a whole. Essentially that means reversing the cultural revolution and the process of globalisation.

Laura writes:

Karen makes an important point. The decline in the ability of men to support families is not due simply to the entry of women into the workforce. It is also due to globalization and excessive immigration. Families through working ever harder and thus destroying their own foundations have covered up and borne the brunt of the self-inflicted weakening of the economies of the West.

The answer to this problem is not for families to continue to destroy themselves. The answer is not for the majority of women to be both breadwinners and breadmakers. The solution lies in the rebirth of economic nationalism. “We are not a commonwealth of consumers,” Patrick Buchanan has said, but a nation of builders and producers, industrialists and farmers, information specialists and engineers. The American economy is a vast leviathan, potentially far more self-sufficient than we have allowed it to become, and the British economy is not to serve the world, but itself first.

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