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A Reader Asks About Comments « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Reader Asks About Comments

August 24, 2009


Ron writes:

I enjoy your blog, but I’m a bit surprised that comments are disabled. This surprise is multiplied when the post consists of a series of questions, whether rhetorical or not (as does your most recent post concerning gamers). Have you been getting spammed? Any other reason why comments are closed?

Laura writes:

Thank you very much for the compliment.
I prefer to take comments via e-mail at thinkinghousewife@msn.com because it is more personal and I would like to encourage dialogue. I want to moderate any comments that come in so that the discussion is easier for the reader to follow. I do not shun comments from those who disagree with me provided they are civil and I do not shun small remarks or idle thoughts.
Generally, I find myself lost in some of the open threads at other websites. Time is limited and there are many good things to read. I have trouble following disjointed commentary. There are great discussions at some of the open threads elsewhere and some people feel more comfortable making completely anonymous contributions. There’s no perfect solution. By the way, anyone who sends a comment to me need not have their real name used. Just sign it with a pseudonym.
The experience of other housewife bloggers on the Internet is another reason I have chosen to go this route. Some of these women have been the target of hatred.  This hatred is serious and dangerous. The culture war is a war. I will employ the expert legal counsel at my disposal to protect my right to express myself and will follow all the normal channels to obtain compensation from anyone who defames, libels, steals copyrighted material or invades my privacy.
Please feel free to write your thoughts to me. I am grateful to those who have sent me their comments and insights so far. Thank you.
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