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Why the Image of Spineless Men is Real « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why the Image of Spineless Men is Real

August 31, 2009


In response to the previous post, Karen Wilson from England argues that men are portrayed as effeminate and spineless in Western advertising not only to ingratiate and butter up female consumers. The image is real.

Karen writes:

I think men in ads are often portrayed as weak, partly as deliberate propaganda, but partly because that is in fact what many of them are.  We may wish to deny this because it does not suit our perceptions of our culture and history.  However civilisations are built, maintained and defended by strong men and destroyed by weak men.

The Western male is often a weak species. In short there is no serious and significant group of strong males who challenge the existing status quo. There is no group of strong males who are ready and organised to start a revolution and reclaim their country. It is as though they all assume automatic poodle position.

In any society when men are weak and unwilling to defend it (as in the West and black Africa), the women become strong. Feminism is not the cause of male weakness; it is its consequence. I lived in Asia for a while and many Western men came there as expats or tourists looking for a wife because of the “white women no good” syndrome. The white women did not “understand him/obey him/appreciate him.” In Asia, such sentiments were taken with a bucket of salt and the man was considered a loser who got rejected by his own women. The Western man comes to Asia to find a “subservient woman who would appreciate him.” Well, biology is deceptive. Asian women are small and look frail but this exterior often conceals a calculating mind and iron will. Many of these men get into bad situations. Some of them divorced perfectly good wives back home and abandoned their families to set up a Disneyland in Asia. They paid thousands of  dollars in dowries to marry “subservient women,” aka prostitutes, who subsequently fleeced them and even killed them. They didn’t understand that when a man marries an Asian woman, he marries her family and they expect financial benefit too. This can run to houses, condominiums, cars etc. Even the super-rich want hundreds of thousands of dollars paid as a dowry for their daughters and then hire a private investigator to check all the prospective groom’s assets, friends and hobbies. Any gambling, drinking, dodgy friends or misrepresentation and he loses the contract and the dowry. If he gets married, he will become a walking ATM machine. If he loses his job or the money runs out, he is likely to be locked out of his house even though he is paying for it. If he gets too difficult, the wife will make false accusations of domestic violence backed up by compliant neighbours (political correctness did not allow him to think he will be a victim of racists). The Police will be called, believe the wife and he’ll get put in jail.  

Many of the women of the rest of the world are tougher and shrewder than any feminist.  And many of the white men are just living in a fantasy world where they try to create a Disneyland of perfect relationships and ease rather than get on with the serious business of defending their own families, civilisation and its traditions from the enemy within and without. That would just be too manly.


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