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Amazons or Athletes? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Amazons or Athletes?

September 14, 2009


Karen Wilson writes in response to the post on Serena Williams:

You write: “I find even the normal demeanour and appearance of many women athletes disturbing.”

That’s because most (and probably all) of them are on drugs. Contrast this picture of Virginia Wade with the recent photos of Serena:


You can see that the muscles are much smaller and the whole appearance much more feminine. Tennis looks more like an art with Virginia Wade than the physical contest it has become with Serena. Virginia looked natural and un-enhanced chemically. She even looked as though she was enjoying herself.


The bulking up of the muscle of Serena Williams can only be done in females by training like a sprinter/ weight lifter and that today means drug enhancement. I trained as a ballet dancer and also spent time working out with athletes and their coaches. There was pressure in both fields to achieve an unnatural body shape. Dancers were supposed to be excessively thin to the extent that most were clinically anorexic. The desired look is one of starvation with a muscular physique and virtually no body fat. It is impossible to achieve this on a normal diet and hence most dancers starve themselves and live on coffee and cigarettes/drugs to suppress appetite. In the 1950s and 60s, dancers used to eat three-course meals between acts of Swan Lake and had a normal body shape. This went out over the last 30 years and anorexia became the norm. The Athletics Associations criticized dance schools recently for this reason and insisted that athletics be added to the training. This takes the dancer into another abnormal environment.

 Elite athletes have excellent nutrition and eat like horses but they are always pushed to take drugs by their coaches who are in turn told to do this by Governments who want the prestige of sporting medals. An athlete who doesn’t “take gear /juice” has little chance of success. Coaches who resist doping often get dropped by national teams and never get honoured by Governments. It is very easy to avoid detection unless one goes over the top and takes drugs not prescribed by the team physician. These doping programmes are always supervised by physicians who are always ahead of the Olympic testing committees. An athlete who faithfully sticks to his/her prescribed dope regime will never get caught. The usual regime is 6 weeks on drugs and 6 weeks off. That is why all the female elite athletes are bulked up and have deep voices and increased aggression. It is chemically induced. And that’s why many athletes and dancers are dying young. Some of the physical changes induced by doping programs are irreversible. The pressure to succeed is so enormous that sports are no longer fun.

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