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The O-Movement « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The O-Movement

September 25, 2009


In the last fifty years, there has been a prolific industry promoting the O-Movement, my working term for the widespread worship of the female sexual climax. This industry takes the form of popular literature exalting masturbatory sex – either alone or with others. Make no mistake about it. This movement is an enemy to genuine sexual fulfillment for women. 


There are many others in addition to Betty Dodson, author of the pictured book and outspoken advocate of “self-loving.” Here are some titles: The Clitoral Truth: the Secret World at Your Fingertips; The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities; Solitary Sex: A Cultural History of Masturbation; Becoming Orgasmic: A Sexual and Personal Growth Program for Women; The Joy of Solo Sex; The Big Book of Masturbation; and of course, The Hite Report on Female Sexuality.

To feminists, all this represents liberation. For all of history, women were unsatisfied until the new liberators came along and revealed to them the nature of their own sexual needs. Implicit in this view is a belief in the immense stupidity and passivity of ordinary women and in the selfishness and insensitivity of ordinary men.

                                                                     —– Comments ——–

 Rose writes:


Not to mention that Galenic medicine believed that the woman must climax if conception is to take place. Female sexual pleasure was thus not only recognized in the pre-modern world but considered an absolute necessity!






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