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An Uproar over a Kiss « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Uproar over a Kiss

October 2, 2009


Last spring, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran a magazine article about the best places in town to kiss. The article caused a small uproar and not because of the topic itself. On the cover of the magazine, the paper ran a photo of a black man and white woman kissing. 

The paper’s online forum was besieged with angry comments such as “Haven’t read the story but don’t  like to see blacks and whites kissing.” It was a rare occasion when the visceral opposition many people still feel toward interracial relationships came into view.

By the way, more comments have been added to the ongoing discussion on interracial  marriage.

Notice the way the woman is dressed in this photo. The man looks like he’s out for a special occasion. She looks like she’s in lingerie. What happens to a woman to get her to the point where she thinks this is attractive?

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