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Disorder Claims the Nation’s Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Disorder Claims the Nation’s Children

October 26, 2009


You’ve heard of ADD, ADHD, OCD and the like, and you’ve perhaps seen the children lined up at school infirmaries for their chemical supplements. Now, word is just in from The Onion of a new psycho-neurological condition afflicting the nation’s youth. This should have been discovered ages ago. Millions have gone untreated.


In a more serious vein, Rose writes:

Here is Michael Fumento on the conservative case for Ritalin.

A female reader writes:

Regarding the article by Michael Fumento. I think it telling that one parent says “My own son is an angel at home but was a demon at school.”

Seems to me, school is often the problem especially for young boys. Many of them just aren’t ready for that type of environment. You’re probably familiar with Raymond and Dorothy Moore, modern home school pioneers. From a homeschool website: “In direct opposition to the beliefs of the public school systems, Dr. And Mrs. Moore explained how it is best for children up to the age of approximately ten years old, to remain at home in an environment of love and support. They told of how those children that remained home quickly caught up with others that started school at a much younger age.” Naturally though, with mom’s out earning money for a second car, larger home and so on, it’s easier to just medicate the child.

In my personal experience, kids who were on Ritalin when young are NOT less likely to use illegal drugs as teen. I know of one young lady in particular who got addicted to methamphetamines in her late teens after being medicated for years for ADD.

Laura writes:

Every conceivable means of altering a child’s behavior through environment, routine, discipline and physical activity should be exhausted before putting him on medication. School, as we know it, can offer only two remedies for the restless boy: harsh discipline or Ritalin. Discipline is no longer an option.

Home schooling and small private schools that allow boys adventure, exercise and the right amount of discipline are ideal. Ritalin is necessary to keep public schools working the way they do.

Karen Wilson writes:

Sri Lanka is one of the poorest countries in the world. I visited there last week and saw a school that was destroyed by the tsunami which swept the south of the island in 2004 and has been rebuilt with aid money. Many of the children lost family, relatives and homes. Some are living in shanty houses with corrugated roofs. But, they were happy and smiling and all immaculately turned out. Their white uniforms were spotless. All were wearing ties. They were enthusiastic. The girls’ hair was tidy in pleats or cut short. There were no T Shirts, jeans, sweat shirts or hoodies. No one was slouching. Education is valued and teachers highly respected. There are no significant disciplinary problems. No child needs Ritalin or other psychotropics. Drug possession is punished with the death penalty. Literacy is over 95%. This is in a country with a GDP of just over $1,000 per capita per annum.

 Compare this with the drudges attending school in the west!

Hambantota school



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