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Dust Until You Drop « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Dust Until You Drop

October 23, 2009



I am running myself ragged, dear reader, trying to keep up with the latest lies in our preeminent newspapers. According to this story in the Wall Street Journal, men will have more sex with their wives if they (the men) do more housework. Is this the ultimate form of feminist blackmail, or what? 



Let’s leave aside for a moment the impossibility of determining this fact through surveys, given the small likelihood that husbands will be honest about how much housework they do or that wives and husbands will be honest about how much sex they have. Let’s leave aside the obvious fact – a fact so common-sensical it is not worth stating –  that all women want some domestic help from their husbands. Here is the undeniable, age-old truth: The average woman wants control over her domestic realm and she doesn’t like the way men put away the laundry, cook, sweep, decorate, iron, and manage the children. Men can never meet her standards in this field and the more housework a man does, beyond the necessary contribution, the more he may incur the wrath of his wife, unless she is a neutered, de-feminized, childless workaholic whose home is as impersonal as a Holiday Inn. 

Sue Shellenbarger writes:

But for some high achievers who take a “work hard, play hard” approach to life, researchers say, working hard in one domain produces more energy for others. The study also found a correlation between hours spent on paid work and the frequency of sex in marriage.

In other words, if you are a housewife, forget intimacy with your husband, you schlep. This work hard/play hard lifestyle is more than sheer myth. It is calculated deception and conscious propaganda. Work  hard/play hard is the mantra of nihilists and vitalists, who worship human energy, money and busy sterility.

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