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Fat and Unhappy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fat and Unhappy

October 7, 2009


I hope you will read my article Obesity in America. It’s tempting to think there are public policy solutions to this problem, but the real heart of it lies in both overindulgence and the desire for ease.

Let’s say I became Czar of Health tomorrow and set about banning all pizza and soda, two major factors in  America’s weight problem. The truth is it wouldn’t matter. Instead of pizza and soda, Americans would consume more burritos and lemonade. Twenty-ounce bottles of lemonade would appear in all the vending machines. I could then ban burritos and lemonade, or at least place a very high tax on them. Presto.  Americans would start consuming more lattés and grilled-and-gooey sandwiches. On and on it would go.

America is killing itself slowly and creating a human landscape that is repulsive and obscene.

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