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Problem Solved « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Problem Solved

October 8, 2009


There is no need to worry about the massive erosion of American health due to obesity, as discussed in previous posts. If the proposed Baucus health care bill passes, our legislators will dramatically alter the relationship between citizen and government. We can just hand over our personal affairs to our overseers. For the first time, citizens will be ordered to purchase a specific product, in this case health insurance.

How long before the government gives us menus and tells what to eat each day of the week? Why don’t we just go ahead and shred every last copy of the U.S. Constitution? It’s irrelevant now.

This bill will exacerbate one of the most serious health problems facing Americans: their passivity in the face of their own physical destiny.

By the way, more comments on the obesity issue have been added here.


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