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The Well-Educated Slut « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Well-Educated Slut

October 7, 2009


Eighty years ago, when Virginia Woolf wrote A Room of One’s Own, her powerful argument for higher education for women, the world seemed in many ways an innocent place. I believe Woolf knew exactly what the new world she envisioned would be, but many others did not.

Woolf argued that education must on principle be the same for both sexes. This egalitarianism won out and women came to be educated in the exact same way as men.

What we have now is the well-educated slut, the woman who consumes sex with all the abandon of sailors in the Philippines. She has sex with men. She has sex with women. She has sex with herself. By the time she graduates, marriage is the least thing on her mind. As long as she can keep getting sex, why bother? Better to impress the world with accomplishment and money. She can have children and settle down at that distant point somewhere around age 30.

The fancy education she has received is the very antithesis of education. It is filled with lies. It deliberately promotes sexual freedom as a Dionysian counterpart to soul-deadening careerism. Without these orgasmic pleasures, students would rise up against the sterility of their educational world.

The well-educated slut has been fed a pack of lies. Let’s face it. For all her credentials and impressive grades, she is stupid! Promiscuity plunders a woman’s soul and wrecks her ability to love.  It keeps many from ever marrying at all or from having children. It is ultimately unappealing to men.


If you have not already read it, please see Matamoros’ powerful essay on what I call the O-movement.



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