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A Victory for Children and Freedom « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Victory for Children and Freedom

November 4, 2009


VOTERS in Maine yesterday overturned a new law legalizing same-sex marriage, making Maine the 31st state to reject homosexual marriage by popular vote. In every state in which same-sex marriage has been put to a vote of the people, it has lost.

Because of Maine’s proximity to Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut, where same-sex marriage has been approved through court rulings and legislation, this was an important victory for supporters of traditional marriage. Child custody will become a divisive issue between contiguous states that do not have equivalent marriage laws.

Ultimately, the marriage issue must be settled uniformly across the nation. Since the Supreme Court is unlikely to rule against same-sex marriage, a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman is the only hope for protecting the most fundamental of all political institutions. 

I spent some time the other day calling voters in Maine, urging them to get out and vote to repeal the same-sex mariage law adopted by the state legislature last spring. Most of the people on the list I was given by a marriage organization here in Pennsylvania were elderly residents of a small town. It occurred to me how strange it must be for them. After all, Maine is hardly San Francisco.

 “Someone just called me 20 minutes ago,” one man complained.

I apologized.  “Oh, that’s okay,” he said. “It’s a good cause.”


                                            ————-             Comments               —————


Mrs. Elliot writes:

I often wonder why the homosexual issue has been so forceful in the location of the original 13 colonies, the place where God and home and family for America first began. Is it because they want us to think they are “real Americans” and are part of the freedom the founding fathers stood for? Here in Oregon, when the people vote overwhelmingly against same-sex marriage, the group shops it to a red-diaper-doper-baby lawyer (an expression referring to the hippie generation of the 60s who became lawyers and whose children are Marxists to the core), and the vote is overturned by the court. No wonder people do not think their vote “counts.”  There is nowhere to go from there except to teach our children to “come ye out from among them, and be ye separate.” (2 Corinthians 6:17)

Laura writes:

It was a real blow when New Hampshire – land of granite fortitude – passed a law approving same-sex marriage earlier this year. It has yet to go to the people. I think of the old-stock working people of Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire, the farmers and loggers and fishermen. They must feel as if they’ve been transported to another planet.

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