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An Accusation of Phoniness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Accusation of Phoniness

November 22, 2009


A male reader writes:

Interesting blog. Unfortunately I’m among many men that will not be convinced. You are as much the recipient of the Matriarchy’s benefits as a strident ideological Feminist. There are no women attempting to turn back the Violence Against Women Act, ‘family’ court secrecy, and various other gross violations of the Constitution. Why is that?

Laura writes:

Let me get this straight. A woman who has spent years raising her family and suffered the whole range of insults that most traditional woman experience in a society that glorifies female ambition starts a website in which she calls for employment discrimination against women; states that divorce initiated by women is a major scourge and should be legally curtailed; urges pre-marital chastity and full-time devotion by women to home and family;  questions the good of female suffrage; criticizes the possible candidacy for president of a woman who is hailed by conservatives near and far; describes a society governed by married fathers as the ideal form of democracy; and delivers as many daily potshots at the lunacy of official feminism as her schedule can handle is as much an enemy of men as a “strident ideological feminist.”  Because she has not personally dissected and taken apart each and every one of the many legal injustices of feminism, she is just as bad as those women who openly support these things and who use laws such as the VAWA act to divorce their husbands.

Let me say this. You are an enemy of society. You have enlarged your hostility to feminism to encompass all women on earth.

As to your question as to why no women are fighting the injustices you mention, many traditional women are up to their necks doing what traditional women do: raising the next generation, caring for the old, keeping communities afloat. Those women who are employed as lawyers, judges and journalists are overwhelmingly feminist. Nevertheless, if you looked around the Internet, you would find literally hundreds of women speaking out, either directly or indirectly, against feminism. They are typically housewives and have no power whatsoever.

Your statement that I am a “recipient of the Matriarchy’s benefits” is false. I could list countless ways in which I, as homemaker and woman, have suffered, not benefited, from “the Matriarchy.” Suffice it to say, feminism and liberalism in general are causing a host of ills affecting large segments of the population, both male and female. Some women benefit materially from this and some men have suffered profound material harm. I challenge you to prove that any advantages I have personally received from feminism’s success are not outweighed by the immense disadvantages. You seem to forget that many of us are not only wives, but the mothers of sons.





Rita writes:

Maybe if enough women head home, men will get stronger and start working on getting rid of the Violence Against Women Act, ‘family’ court secrecy etc. If women do this job for men, they are stepping out of their God given role.

 MarkyMark writes:

I just  found your blog in recent days, and I like a lot of what you have to say. I ran one of your pieces about Sarah Palin (Sonia & Sarah) on my blog, because I think you’re right about her; she’s a feminist Trojan horse who’s more dangerous than ANY of the radical feminazis out there, a la Gloria Steinem. At least you know where you stand with them; at least they’re up front about their agenda. The same can’t be said for the conservative movement or Sarah Palin.

Unfortunately, one of my readers, it appears, gave you grief, because VAWA hasn’t been repealed, etc. I’m sorry if I was in any way responsible for that, because that wasn’t my intent; I only wanted to highlight the dangers Sarah Palin poses, nothing more. From the start, as much as I wanted to like Mrs. Palin (saw that post too-good stuff!), I had misgivings about her; something about her didn’t quite sit right with me, but I couldn’t put my thoughts into words. When I saw your material on her, it was as if the light went on; it was as if I saw words that ENCAPSULATED my thoughts. Since some of the guys who read my blog also frequent the same men’s forums I do; since some on said forums have voiced reservations about Palin; I wanted to run something that my readers would appreciate, since my blog deals with men’s issues from a decidedly anti-feminist, non-PC perspective. Anyway, I provided a link to both your blog and the essay in question, because it was only right to give you the credit for writing that post.

With that, I shall sign off. I’m sorry if that man who gave you grief was one of my readers. While I do lambast modern women and poke holes in their hypocrisies, I appreciate good, traditional women like you too. The only problem is that there are far too few of you! The global elites have targeted both the family and women because they’re such powerful forces when they’re doing what God intended. Who can forget Susannah Wesley’s influence on her boys John & Charles? Her two sons only went on to shake two CONTINENTS to their foundations! Indeed, their influence is still felt today, so one can see the power a traditional, God-fearing wife can wield; it far surpasses any wonder weapon in anyone’s arsenal. Have a good night, Ma’am.

Laura writes:

Thank you very much. But don’t you worry. Many of us traditional, God-fearing women are strong as bulls.

Lydia Sherman writes:

I get comments all the time, intended for my blog, Home Living,  telling me that any freedom I have is due to the efforts on the part of feminists of the past. This comes from a false view of history and a false view of womanhood. 

The men who wrote the Constitution of our land insisted that rights and privileges were not derived from any movement, government or people. They wrote that blessings and abilities and rights came from GOD. We as homemakers do not owe our freedoms to any women before us or to any movement or “ism” (feminism, Marxism, Socialism, etc) but to the Biblical freedoms already laid out for us from before any of these isms ever exisited.

 In every era, women’s responsibilities were the same high calling, no matter what group or movement or “ism” existed: that of being guides and guards of the home. It was there that their real talents could shine, unhindered by the norms and dictates of any prevailing culture. No matter what is perceived as a won freedom, those freedoms are already guaranteed by God, set forth in His word. 

Today, we find the “isms” being oppressive toward women, by denying them the opportunity to become homemakers, or wives, or mothers. It is denied them when the prevailing culture, through massive media campaigns, convinces them that in order to “make something” of themselves, they must spend their marriageable and childbearing years, when the heart is tender for love of husband and children, in colleges and careers. Femininism was a plan to take this true womanhood away from women and give them careers instead.


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