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Fasten Your Seat Belts. Let’s Survive this Crash. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fasten Your Seat Belts. Let’s Survive this Crash.

November 27, 2009


A commenter named Richard W. at View from the Right has a great essay on the inevitable collapse of the federal government. This event is to be welcomed, he argues, and holds out thrilling possibilities for cultural renewal. The behemoth must die.

Richard writes:

I view our position now as analogous to an airplane which loses its engines in flight. The pilot and copilot know the flight is over. There is no way to avoid a crash landing, only procedures to follow to increase the chances of survival.

Those of us who understand the situation in America are like those pilots. One of our duties is to tell the rest of the crew and passengers what is going to happen, but it’s not the main task at hand. The main task is survival.

In our case survival has multiple levels.

Individual and family survival must come first. We need to ensure that despite the increasing societal chaos we retain health and hearth.

At the level above that is the survival of a larger group or community: one’s church, one’s neighbors, a close nit group of friends.

At the next level is survival of critical cultural and political institutions.

We must all make our own plans for family and group survival. It is at this third level of the survival of these larger institutions that we need to talk, plan, and work towards agreement.

Clearly the “thing” which is failing and must be destroyed is the Federal Government. This destruction (or decommissioning) will be a wonderful event and should be desired by all sane people.

Read the rest here.

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