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Health Reform and Abortion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Health Reform and Abortion

November 10, 2009


There is one bright spot in the ongoing debate over so-called health care reform. And that is the fanatical, unreasoning, unquenchable, blind and ever-vigilant devotion to abortion rights by supporters of socialized medicine. So unthinking is this devotion it may, by some slim chance, doom the ultimate success of proposed reform bills.

To truly understand the inextinguishable nature of this fire, this burning passion for abortion “rights,” it’s important to know how much an abortion costs in this country. It costs on average less than $500. That’s right. Less than five hundred bucks to destroy a life and damage a woman’s soul and her ability to love.

Now, $500 is not so much money that most women in this country could not somehow come up with it through loans from family and friends. But, abortion activists are not happy with that. They want a woman to be so unimpeded in her search for an abortion that she need only take out a few bucks from an ATM and be on her way. They don’t want simply the freedom to abort, they want abortion to be automatic and quick, leaving no time for reflection.

President Obama, as unthinking an abortion advocate as one can find, said yesterday that he is unhappy with the bill passed in the House on Saturday because it does not allow women to obtain government-subsidized insurance that covers abortion. He hopes to approve a bill that allows extra premiums or co-pays so they can have this essential coverage.

Thank you, President Obama! May you continue to pursue this brand of zealotry because it will effectively doom this bill. The American public seems unable to grasp many of the details of this reform, but they can understand abortion subsidies, and they don’t like them. By the way, most women who support abortion could care less whether their insurance covers it. It’s only the abortion apparatchiks who march to this tune.

Obama does not just support abortion rights. He believes in actively encouraging abortion, which is what subsidies through insurance coverage or government aid do. He talks as if there is no possible alternative for women, which is the single most heinous lie of abortion supporters. They see no possibility of sexual restraint and no possibility of putting unplanned children up for adoption.

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