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Our Feminized Military « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Our Feminized Military

November 7, 2009


Image: Fort Hood shooting

                                            (Ben Sklar / Getty Images) Soldiers embrace at Fort Hood.
Sgt. Kimberly Munley, who is pictured here, was the civilian police officer who ended the shooting spree at Fort Hood on Thursday. She acted with true heroism, falling to the ground as a senior officer approached her shooting. She succeeded in wounding him in the chest and was injured herself. Her courage and skill, judging from press accounts, are undeniable. It’s possible to recognize her valor and at the same time say that a country that relies on women to defend itself, even on its own military bases, is not sufficiently interested in its own defense. It is a country that cannot produce the fighting force or morale to sustain its own future. When women become soldiers, they stop raising soldiers and occupying their fighting positions at home. When men and women fight side-by-side, they inevitably end up embracing, as in the photo above. 
By the way, in an editorial today, the New York Times tells us, “But, until investigations are complete, no one can begin to imagine what could possibly have motivated this latest appalling rampage.” We can’t begin to imagine.

Rose writes:

Shakespeare addresses women in the military. In Antony and Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt wants to join in the fighting. Enobarbus responds with characteristic wisdom:

           “If we should serve with horse and mares together,
           The horse were merely lost; the mares would bear
           A soldier and his horse.”

Laura writes:

One of the soldiers shot in the attack at Fort Hood was pregnant and about to go on leave.  That makes her death a double tragedy. The issue of pregnant military personnel was discussed recently here at View from the Right.

Commenter Mark Jaws says in the discussion:

Don’t get me going on pregnant female military personnel. I served as the Order of Battle Officer for the U.S. Army VII Corps in Desert Storm. We were the Corps with the five armored divisions which took on the Republican Guard. The Intelligence Section of VII Corps deployed to Saudi Arabia with only 55 percent of its personnel. One reason was that five of our female soldiers were pregnant. Two had been pregnant before Hussein invaded Kuwait. Two got pregnant between August and November, when the word on the street was we were going to deploy. One got pregant INTENTIONALLY by taking on four guys one night–in early November after Colin Powell announced we were going to Saudi Arabia. I know this to be true, because two of the “four horsemen” worked for me. Once arriving in Saudi Arabia, that female soldier was shipped back to Germany when she came up positive for pregnancy, and on a subsequent weekend went up to Denmark to get an abortion. Then there were the black female administrative personnel, who had the brothers hanging around them like ally cats in heat. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was right. You put men and women together and they will make love–not war. No senor. We have managed to do with female soldiers the past 30 years because we have not fought a first-world army. Had we fought against, say, the Israelis instead of the inept Iraqis, who knows what would have happened with our intelligence section so woefully undermanned–uh, excuse me, underfemaled.

On Fort Hood, Lydia Sherman comments:

Nidal Malik Hasan, is to my knowledge, the second Virginia Tech grad that has gone on a shooting spree inside a captive area. The strange curriculum at that institution is discussed here.


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