The Ongoing Farce of Military Mothers
November 17, 2009

FROM today’s New York Times:
An Army cook and single mother is under investigation and confined to her post after skipping her deployment flight to Afghanistan because, she said, no one was available to care for her son while she was overseas.
The woman, Specialist Alexis Hutchinson, 21, said she had no choice but to refuse deployment orders because the only relative who could care for her 10-month-old son, her mother, was overwhelmed by the task and already caring for three other relatives with health problems.
Her civilian lawyer, Rai Sue Sussman, said one of Specialist Hutchinson’s superiors told her she would have to go anyway and put the child in foster care.
Feminism is great, isn’t? It’s given women the thrilling opportunity to put their children in foster care so that they can go off and work as Army cooks. As Sarah Palin put it, “Things have changed. There’s so much equality now.”
— Comments —
Alex A. writes from England:
The day I saw a photograph of an American female soldier in Iraq grinning inanely at the camera while wearing her battle helmet with a picture of her six months old baby stuck to it, I knew for certain that Western civilization was doomed.