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The Pop Mysticism of the Palin Candidacy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Pop Mysticism of the Palin Candidacy

November 27, 2009


There is little doubt at this point that Sarah Palin is running for president. But she is more than an aspiring candidate.  Palin is the spiritual leader of  Desperate America. That is not to say she has no practical talents. She does, but these have very little to do with her appeal. Mystical fervor, born of desperation, is a big part of her popularity. So are celebrity, beauty, and escapist fantasy. She is seen as the key to America’s restoration by middle class, white Red State voters .

Of course, these voters have very good reason to feel desperate. Obama represents the culmination of all our worst fears about the trend toward socialism. And, he is changing America for the worse. Obama poses so much catastrophic harm, even those with reservations about Palin embrace her possible candidacy out of pragmatism. But Obama can’t destroy our souls or take away our principles.

The worship of Sarah, as opposed to the pragmatic acceptance of her, is a grotesque inversion of the admiration for things that are wholesome and good: feminine beauty, vivacity and competence. Sarah Palin puts a pretty face on militant feminism. This insidious ideology which has nearly destroyed our culture and robbed millions of normalcy is now part of the mainstream. Palin represents the ultimate emasculation of America. Sarah can indeed steal our souls.

                                                                              —- Comments —–

MarkyMark writes:

I just read your new post on Sarah Palin, and with this one sentence, “Sarah Palin puts a pretty face on militant feminism,” you NAILED it! Though some guys on the men’s forums I frequent have voiced reservations about her, they never cut to the heart of the matter like you did right here. Thanks for sharing your deep insight with us.

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