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The Problem with No Name « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Problem with No Name

November 15, 2009


“This will sound callous, but I think the great suffering people feel in their own country is nothing compared to the great emptiness many feel in countries they feel alien towards. This existential suffering is far worse, far more damaging than the materialistic one. Poverty has always been with us. Societies have always found ways to deal with it. But, I know of no society which can deal with existential emptiness.”

                — Kidist Paulos Asrat, from Jolie and the Hidden Dynamics of International Adoption

Rose writes:

Theodore Dalrymple, in his City Journal piece “What is Poverty?” compares modern England to both the England of Dickens’ time and to the Third World and comes to the same conclusion as Kidist Paulos Asrat.

Karen Wilson writes:

Kidist has put it well. Western media and charities exaggerate Third World poverty. In reality, aside from natural disasters, famine or war, few people in the Third World actually starve. The infrastructure is poor, transport can be difficult and living conditions basic for many people, but there is not the cultural and spiritual poverty that Theodore Dalrymple describes so well in his article about England. The cultural collapse and spiritual poverty of the West is worse than anything seen in the Third World.

People in Asia and Africa are full of life. Everyone has a religion, family and friends. People value work and education and work very hard. Many hold down several jobs to survive. Sometimes whole families work including the children but they survive and are strongly self reliant. You don’t see people drinking or taking drugs and few people smoke. There is no graffiti or wanton vandalism. Few people are overweight let alone obese. Their diet is natural and healthy relying on local products. Rice and bread with curry and fruits and vegetables are much healthier than the chips and fatty processed foods people in the West eat. Coconuts and fruits get picked fresh from the trees. People dress properly too without the slovenliness which is so rampant and fashionable in the West. Many people in the Third World are much healthier both physically and emotionally than Western people. I have seen happier people in the slums of India and African villages than I have seen in parts of London.

Western media exaggerates the material poverty of the Third World to make Western people believe that they are living in paradise in their own countries whilst obscuring the spiritual and cultural degradation which surrounds them. It also fuels consumerism as people think they have to keep buying things or drinking alcohol or taking drugs or having promiscuous sex to achieve happiness whilst their broken family and community lives create even more misery around them. Many of the children adopted into white families of the West are not living in squalor back home. Madonna’s African boy David was put in an orphanage by his father because his mother had died and his father had to keep travelling with his work and could not give him a stable home life. However he did have a complete extended family and his stay in the orphanage was to be a temporary phase until a relative could take him in. When Madonna plied the father with cash, the father agreed to let Madonna have the boy as he thought she could give him a better material life. The father later regretted his decision but was unable to renege on the contract and David departed for London arriving in Heathrow a few hours later looking very confused.

Many people from small villages in Africa and Asia often achieve more than people in the West’s grandest cities. Selfish white people are not helping these children by stealing them away from their own people and culture. They are just pandering to their need for the exotic. If the Angelinas and Madonnas were sincere about helping these children, they would help them in their own countries. They could build a school, pay for teachers, improve housing and many more things. But they are not interested in helping at all.


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