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The Queen Bee « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Queen Bee

November 9, 2009


NANCY PELOSI is the most powerful woman in American history. With the passage this weekend of the health care reform bill, the depressing enormity of this statement is clear. Here is a woman who is changing America. This flaky, arrogant, cock-eyed leftist, a grandmother who once attended an all-women’s Catholic college and who now dresses like the hostess of an overpriced steakhouse and likes the idea of men marrying each other, is in charge of our lives and our government. Pelosi is a walking rebuttal to the claim that once women gained power they would transform the world for the better.

When Arlen Specter agreed to become a Democrat, Pelosi told CNN, “Very exciting, very exciting for the American people, because now we can get things done without explaining process.” She has called immigration enforcement officers un-American. She has brandished her own unique form of Catholicism, even before the Pope. This woman doesn’t have a Machiavellian bone in her body. She’s too stupid for that. She is what she is, and that’s what’s so alarming.

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