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“Vindication is Not the Goal of Mine” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Vindication is Not the Goal of Mine”

November 17, 2009

Photo: ABC's Barbara Walters interviews Sarah Palin
IN AN INTERVIEW with Barbara Walters on Good Morning America today, Sarah Palin insisted she was not seeking revenge against the McCain campaign in her new book. “Vindication is not the goal of mine,” Palin said, with characteristic syntactical roguishness. She also said nasty allegations against her were “bullcrap.”

Palin made another revealing and unsettling revelation about her personal life. She told Walters that she was shocked by the news that her daughter Bristol was pregnant and her reaction was, “Didn’t you know there were things you could do to prevent this or not do it all?” In other words, this family-values conservative thought her 17-year-old daughter should have been using birth control.

She described what appeared to be a laissez-fair approach to her daughter’s activities and sexual education. “There was that assumption that you’re [Bristol] not doing it,” she said. By “doing it,” she meant having sex.

Palin addressed once again questions about the rebellious Levi Johnston, Bristol’s former boyfriend, the father of Palin’s new grandson and the man who is likely to hound her for years to come. She maintained that his accusations about the Palin family have no basis in fact.

Palin appeared in a segment on the Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday in shorts and a T-shirt, at one point lying on an exercise mat and cycling her legs. But she told Walters that a photo of her in running shorts on the cover of Newsweek  was “a wee bit degrading.” The news magazine should be more “substance-oriented,” she argued.

Palin, by the way, is in my opinion quite beautiful. She looks wonderful with her hair undone and slightly tousled. She is stunning, but not in the least presidential.

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