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A Boy and a Girl « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Boy and a Girl

December 17, 2009


Rita writes:

I’m dying to know what you think of this photo. Do you think this couple is in love or….?


Laura writes:

This photo of Chelsea Clinton and her fiancé Marc Mezvinsky is possibly an older one. They look younger here than in current pictures.

In this photo, they appear to have no sense of their place in history, that they represent prominent political figures or a nation but I have seen other photos of them in which they look more sober and aware of their status. Mezvinsky, 31, is Jewish and Clinton, 29, is Methodist. No doubt, their children will be raised as neither or with a smidgen of each. Gee, I hope they’re crazy about each other. What else is the point?  Judging from this photo, Miss Clinton will be an “oldywed,” rather than a newlywed. Her wedding night will not bring new insights.

Lydia Sherman writes:

When this couple got engaged, I noticed that they both came from the ruling class. The fact is, our elites participate in arranged marriages, and have for centuries, and yet, people today mock the Christian’s attempt to find good mates for their children via courtship or betrothal. It is very hypocritical. Why do the people that so mock the Christian approach to finding mates, just barely blink at the elitists who do it with greater deliberation.

You have to ask the question: why aren’t any of our leaders or their children commoners like us? Why are the presidents chosen from the ruling class? When did we last see an ordinary man as president? The party of Abraham Lincoln changed that. It was created to usher in the Marxist government that is now the ruling class.

Laura writes:

The way to arrange a marriage today is to make sure your children go to the right college or private school. It’s important for daughters to get into top jobs for marital reasons too. It is a way of meeting men when traditional forms of matchmaking no longer exist. This system involves years of pre-marital debauchery. 

DH writes:

Just a quick note in response to a comment asserting that all of our Presidents have come from the ruling class. If memory serves me correctly, the current Commander-in-chief, as well as our 42nd president, Clinton, are men who came from places that could hardly be considered ruling class. 

There was a time when I would have said Clinton was a terrible president. Compared to our current occupant, he appears a world-class leader. In both cases, the fact that these are men who have no credible accomplishments outside of academia and government is problematic at best, and disastrous for our country at worse. 

In reality, a more accurate statement would be that we USED to choose our presidents from the ruling class. As a middle class, non-elite citizen of this country, I must say that the fact that these average men, from average backgrounds, with typical American educations, are the worst thing that has happened and I am afraid it will only get worse as the majority of the electorate is made up of people with substandard educations and an inflated sense of entitlement. Ivy league means nothing as most of these historically Christian universities have become bastions of liberal thought and propaganda. But, as the prestige associated with these colleges remain, men of low character and marginal intellect (despite their ability to use demagoguery to move a crowd), will continue to be elected. 

I read recently the story of a conversation between a husband and wife. The wife asked, “Why are fools running the country?” “Easy”, the husband responded, “Fools voted.” 

I realize my comment is slightly off topic, but I thought it relevant nonetheless. And I wholeheartedly agree with Mrs. Sherman’s perspective that Christian parents should be closely involved with the choice of their children’s spouse.

Terry writes:

Laura is correct that for many young people today, they are, with their parents’ blessing no less, released into a lifestyle of promiscuity and debauchery as some twisted preparation for married life. Our younger children are being homeschooled, but our older ones were already beginning high school when we began to realize the grave error we had made a decade earlier. After much prayer and reflection we decided to let them stay put, though we have many safeguards in place concerning their time outside of the classroom, and much discussion about what they learn in it. I can’t tell you the number of people who have questioned the wisdom of our decision to require that our daughters attend college while living at home. Too sheltering, we are called. I am shocked that so many Christians e have such a laissez faire approach to their sons’ and daughters’ future, as if it will not affect them at all. Of course it will! The stated goal of modern parenting, that children be “happy” is the key ingredient of the disgusting recipe we have created as a society. 

Oh, and one more thing: I disagree with DH’s assertion that leaders need to come from a “ruling class” in order to be aqcceptable leaders. To the contrary, our Constitutional Republic was specifically designed so that those who would govern would be those who can relate to and are accountable to the common man. Heaven forbid we return to what our founders shunned when they began this American experiment! We are on the precipice of an oligarchy as it is. 

Earlier this year I read Common Sense by Thomas Paine, which I had never read in its entirety. Common Sense was a very big seller when it was published in 1776. Could any of us imagine that a work like that would be a best seller today? No, it would not. We have been dumbed down.Yet, back then it was widely read, understood, and accepted by the common man.

I submit to DH that it is not that the common man is unfit to govern. It is that what has become of the common man is unfit to govern.



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