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Dangerous Commentary on Palin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Dangerous Commentary on Palin

December 1, 2009


What kind of woman calls herself a “rogue?” A liberal, feminist, roguish kind of woman. John Lofton of the American View makes this and other excellent observations about Sarah Palin in his radio show on the Oprah interview. He dares to call Palin a non-conservative and to denounce Christians for supporting her. I wonder if he has hired bodyguards.

Lofton makes a couple of points I have made. He says Palin’s comment during the Oprah interview that she felt sympathy for women who choose abortion was tasteless, improper and hypocritical.  He also calls the Palin family a model of domestic abnormality.



Rose writes:

Florence King has two pre-Palin takes on “rogueness” here and here.

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