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Futile Wars and Our Feminized Military « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Futile Wars and Our Feminized Military

December 16, 2009


Laurence B. writes:

I’d really like to blow some steam off about the Army. I should first include some context: I am from a military family—my grandfather flew in three wars and my father was in the last class at the Air Force Academy that was all-male.

There was little to do in the 1980s military. Lots of supply and upkeep protocols, very little action. The first Gulf War, regardless of why it had to be fought, was perhaps the greatest military victory achieved by America ever, except perhaps in the Mexican/American war. We destroyed what was thought to be the 4th strongest army in the world, and utterly routed it within 100 hours so that the Republican Guard, which the world was supposed to fear, was surrendering faster than we could accommodate them. We didn’t lounge about then for another eight years, watching our personnel being mutilated by makeshift explosives while we wait for indigenous security forces to get their act together. Objectives weren’t ambiguous, and we had a Commander-in-Chief who actually had some grasp on how the military should be run.

Now we have a military full of fat people and of women, people ambling about in silly camouflage who sooner call their parents when someone starts shooting up the place (Hasan) than actually do something about it. Pregnancy rates in the Army and Navy are skyrocketing as they recently increased the payment and leave for pregnant women. They can now get knocked up, be flown to a base in Germany, have an abortion, and get twelve months leave, with pay, while the rest of their comrades are shoveled into Afghanistan. How fare their comrades? Not well. Part of the blame, I think, rests with the Army itself. The numerous advertisement and free T-shirts never speak of the dangers involved. The commercials always, ALWAYS talk about what a great career move it is, and how the Army will set one up for life. So, we get kids who couldn’t otherwise go to college get good jobs joining up, and true enough when their tours are over they’ll get a sweet set up form Uncle Sam. In the mean time, they’re dumped into a harsh, war-torn environment that their neither expected nor know how to respond to. We’ve got that wacko “a loss of diversity will be our biggest causality” sending them in, and we all saw what diversity leads to at Fort Hood. Somehow, and overweight, hateful Muslim, who was ushered through his psyche classes by ROTC scholarship, was permitted to move through 3 buildings and shoot close to 50 people. These weren’t cafeteria workers; they’re supposed to be trained killers. They hid behind tables and dialed M for Mom. Mark Todd, not the woefully ineffective but lauded female officer, put Hasan down. Whether it was the lady or Todd who was honored and praised for their cool thinking is irrelevant. Why is there any celebration after this disaster? Todd was doing his job, the Army wasn’t doing theirs…so let’s pass out a few medals and have Sarah Palin come sign some books for us. Nuts.

Of course, to reduce the number of inadequate soldiers (i.e. Muslims, over-weight ones, and women) we would have to down size our national military operations. Yes, this means pulling out of Afghanistan and NOT invading Pakistan. When has that ever worked anyway? Wouldn’t all those security forces be put to better use keeping Al Qaeda out at our borders than looking for them in caves? Then comes the cry, “equal rights and representation! Women should be in the Army too!” Despite the fact that, aside from an increase in numbers, the incorporation of women has done nothing to help military operations, and a lot to hurt them, people lobby for civil rights in the military. The problem is…it’s the Military! It’s not a civil body, and it cannot be concerned with civil rights. It’s the strong arm of the state and the state’s justification. It is not a forum for diverse exchange and pleasant, even handed dialogue. Our (arguable) success still with the military results from nothing more than our vastly superior technology. The Army should not be a place of refuge. It should be a place of men, and men only.

Laura writes:

Feminists never made any pretense about why they wanted women in the military. It wasn’t to partake of sacrifice and the glory of the warrior. It was to make money, acquire power and promote masculine ideals among women. If they had to destroy the underlying ethic of the Army and of national self-defense, so be it.

Laurence writes:

I think your comment is absolutely true. The military suffers in its performance, and the bright-eyed feministas, who true enough may have good hearts, bleed away money and time before dying themselves.


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