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Health Care and Party-cide « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Health Care and Party-cide

December 11, 2009


The Democrats in Congress are committing “party-cide” by going ahead with the hugely unpopular transformation of American health care. Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, at Newsmax, write to Congress:

Civil rights, Social Security, women’s suffrage — all of Majority Leader Harry Reid’s metaphors — were popular and had broad approving majorities. This bill has the opposite: a nation paralyzed with fear for what you are about to do to its health care.

Will you listen to the elderly who absorb 40 percent of medical care and not to the AARP, which you have bought by way of a promise to eliminate Medicare Advantage?

Will you listen to the doctors of America, 2-1 in opposition, and not to the American Medical Association, which you have bludgeoned into submission via your threats of reimbursement cuts?

Will you stop to examine how, as Democrats, you can vote to slice $500 billion from Medicare and cut home healthcare? Former comrades-in-arms, former party-mates, do not commit party-cide by passing this bill!

Is this to be your epitaph? That you put all healthcare under government control? That your legacy is to be the waiting list to see a doctor? That the memorial to your public service is to be the denial of care at a bureaucrat’s whim?

Many of you must know that you are sacrificing your careers. Can Reid, Blanche Lincoln, Byron Dorgan, and others really believe they will return?

Can any of you believe you will remain in the majority after you have so flouted the obvious will of your constituents?

Why does this pied piper have such power over you? His approval is sinking in every poll at a pace unprecedented for presidents. If he promises you judgeships, ambassadorships, Cabinet posts or other patronage to enliven your retirement, can you doubt that there is but a two-year term in the offing?

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