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Love and the Cell Phone « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Love and the Cell Phone

December 3, 2009


Is love a serious thing? Or is it easy and cheap? Here’s what I think. Love is so serious and delicate, one should never wave its banner in public, except during weddings and catastrophic events, such as volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. “I love you!” one cries out as one slips into the crack that has just opened in the earth. In that case, it’s okay if one’s private devotions are displayed.

I could never loudly tell someone – husband, friend, child or parent – that I loved him while I was speaking on a cell phone standing in line at a supermarket or eating in a restaurant or waiting in a packed elevator. Is there something wrong with me? This emotional promiscuity is everywhere. Perhaps I am frigid, maybe even autistic, but I say anyone who can wear his heart so visibly on his sleeve may not truly possess one.

Since the advent of this amazing technology, I have heard many dozens, maybe even hundreds, of  women tell their husbands and children they loved them over the phone. I was once waiting to vote in a presidential election when a middle-aged woman told a man over the phone that she loved him. He apparently made some witty remark. She protested that she definitely did love him. But, she said, if she were living in Europe, where the men were more interesting, she probably wouldn’t.

I suspect people like being heard telling others that they love them. Love has become a status symbol. To fail to publicly display it is like keeping a beautiful diamond ring in a box at home.



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