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The Unfaithful Wife, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Unfaithful Wife, cont.

December 13, 2009


Fitzgerald writes:

I was glancing through some of your older posts and found this entry on unfaithful women. I wanted to offer a few comments on the remark by a woman reader who said women have been forced to put up with male infidelity for eons.This is, sadly, very naive. While it may be true that men are more apt to cheat than women, it is not true that it’s the rare woman who cheats. This is a form of the same lie that says women don’t have sex drives, good girls don’t, women want commitment and use sex to get love… blah, blah, blah. Balderdash.bigstockphoto_Abstract_Pattern_2492330[1]



Women do cheat. If not, then why the need for all the stories in the literary tradition of locking women up to preserve them, chastity belts, etc. It’s not because their men feared them being ravished, oh contrare, they knew all too well that they couldn’t be totally trusted in their absence. The fragility of paternal lineage and the cultural dependence on transmission of wealth along male blood lines made this a necessity. How else could one be sure your children were your own? Our culture did recognize this reality in the past; it’s just been explained away or hidden under lies and self-censorship. Many women don’t wish to recognize this reality and would rather whitewash it, forging yet another, even deeper layer of self-deception that often undermines the intentions of even traditionally oriented young women. There are many reasons for why these stories have been glossed over or relegated to the back pages of modern American culture in particular. The effect of Catholic and Protestant forms of Jansenism, dualism and Mancheanism, as well as other religious revivals and controversies which, albeit with good intentions, have over the last few centuries censored out much of the more “steamy” aspects of literature and our cultural heritage that portray a more complete and honest picture of the power and dangers of unrestrained female sexuality. 

One little anecdote I picked up from hanging out with Arab Christians… even though in Muslim societies punishment for female infidelity is a cruel death, it’s still goes on regularly, just very carefully hidden. If this isn’t evidence of the reality that infidelity isn’t the sole domain of men, then I don’t know what is. 

Please feel free to post if you wish, please give it a rigorous scrubbing with your red pencil, as I don’t have much time to groom it. I need to take the kids to get haircuts, hit the store for dinner provisions, etc. such is the life of the single father. He juggles lots of chainsaws simultaneously. Regardless, I thank God every day that I have my children with me. I’m a lucky one, most of the men I know have been cruelly, savagely and selfishly ripped away from their kids by vindictive, bitter, hateful women.

 Laura writes:

As I’ve said before, the recognition that women are not monogamous by nature is essential in the effort to defeat feminism and restore marriage. There are many myths on this issue. The fact that women are generally much more eager to marry than men has led to the widespread illusion that women are more inherently monogamous. They are not. The rate of divorce intitiated by women proves this. Any society that allows women the freedom to divorce and retain custody of their children will experience a high rate of female-initiated divorce.

Women are not always unfaithful with specific men. Sometimes it’s is simply the romantic possibility of a new life that leads them to break up a marriage. This is another form of infidelity. Men are more prone to cheat for the sake of sex. Women are more prone to cheat for the sake of romance. Read Madame Bovary. 

The fact that many women are faithful and loyal does not prove that monogamy is instinctive and natural for women. Marriage is more art than nature.

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