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Neither Tiger nor Man « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Neither Tiger nor Man

December 17, 2009


Lawrence Auster says this about Tiger Woods, whose wife is now reportedly preparing for divorce:

His excessively toned and shaped physique–a body-builder’s physique which by the way does not fit the aesthetic of golf–adds to the negative impression I’ve always had of him as a kind of machine, a walking corporation and product endorsement, not a human being. He’s manufactured. And inside that synthetic, manufactured image, there is the reality of his tawdry sex life, in which he’s engaged in the nonstop pursuit and management of multiple girlfriends at the same time.

So, he’s a mechanical man on the outside, and a relentless, soulless skirt chaser on the inside. This is the reality of Woods. 

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